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United States Department of the Interior <br /> FISH A.ND ~TLDLIF~ SERVIC~ <br /> ~lelgh Fitld Office <br /> Post Office Box 33726 <br /> Raleigh, North Carolina 2763~-3726 <br /> August 1, <br /> <br /> Lt. Colonel. Tho~a C, S~reaaa <br /> <br /> ~ost Office ~ox 1890 <br /> ~i]mtngton, ~otth Carolina 28~02-1890 <br /> <br /> Dear L:. Colone~ Suer~nn; <br /> <br /> ~hta concern8 t~e revised ~t~igation p~a~, aa outlined tn Dr. G. ~ayne <br /> Vr~gh:'s ~uly 9. 1990 /ettet. for the propoaed ~dd~e Creek Reservoir, <br /> Public ~o:~ce SAgCO88-~-O13-~61, t~ Ca~rrus County, ~ott~ C~rolina. <br /> This report Is prog~ded In ~cco~da~ce vlth pto~iatona of the ~!sh and <br /> ~11dllfe Coordt~tton Act, as ~en&ed (16 g.~.C. 661-662e), <br /> supplements our earlier repot: on c~ts project. <br /> <br /> Ae presen:ly proposed in the Public ~otice, the ~ppltcant plane <br /> · tttgate the 520 a~re ~et]and 106s associated ~tch the proposed <br /> pro jecC by: <br /> <br /> 1) creecin8 186 acres of forested vetlands adlacenc to the <br /> <br /> 2) ~e~o~esttng 170 riches ~ up]~nd ~lelde ad,cent ~o the c~eeged <br /> <br /> 3) ~geae~ln8 1~0 Ecges o[ up~d ~eclduous [o~esc and 2~ <br /> <br /> 4) adopting 6 ~un~y-vlde zontn& regulation, ~e urttte~ In the <br /> language attached to your :uly 9, 1990 letter (copy enclosed) <br /> ~hlch ~ould provide ~roteccio~ to uetl~ds eai~cent to <br /> Ca~rrus County's perennial s:reams. <br /> <br /> The Service ~111 not object rD issuance of the' subject providea <br /> the /ollavla8 condlrioos are ~lde a par: of any Corps issued <br /> for :he pro Jet:: <br /> <br /> a. Fores:ed ~etlanda and uplanda shall ~ created as outlined <br /> the Public ~otice add shall ~ conducted in accordance ~ch the <br /> Hiciletioe Phn descried in Appendix G of the ~arch 1990 <br /> Environmental Assessment for Coddle Cgeek Reservoir Ca~rrus <br /> Co~ty. <br /> <br /> b. ~etla~d creation S~tes ~hould ha~e the p:opet elope, elevation, <br /> hydrology and sol1 to suppor: s healthy vetl~nd ecosystem; <br /> <br /> c. Vetland creation s/tee chill ~ planted ~lth 8round cover <br /> vegetation typically touod tn ad,scent uetlands l~edlately <br /> <br /> <br />