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CPM RECE <br /> JUL 30 1990 <br /> <br /> July 27, 1990 CAB. COUNTy <br /> H~ALTH D~PT. <br /> <br /> ~. Willi~ F. ~l~gton <br /> He~ Dir~tor <br /> Cab~s ~unty Hc~ Dcp~nl <br /> 715 Cab~s Avenue West <br /> Conco~, North ~lina 28025 <br /> Analysis of Gas Monilo~ng <br /> Resuhs at County Landfill <br /> <br /> Dc~ ~. ~n~on: <br /> <br /> ~c p~sc of ~s lcRer is Io present our ~alysis of ~c mcth~c gas monitoring <br /> results ~at have ~en coll~ at ~e Coun~ lan~ll ov~ ~hc p~t three to fo~ <br /> monks. ~p ~ss~ & McKee (CDM) submitl~ ~c fin~ rc~ for thc <br /> Me~e G~ Mi~don Study conduct~ at ~c Cab~s Couniy s~it~ l~dfill on <br /> M~ch 31, 1~. At ~ai Qmc wc had identified ~mndal mc~h~c mi~adon at thc <br /> 1~ pro.ny lines ~ exccs~ of rcgu]ato~ limiis. However, since thc rcsuhs <br /> were only ~m one s~pling cvem, we recommended thc initiation of a mclhane <br /> gas s~pling pmg~ at lhe landfill to confi~ thc finding. <br /> <br /> Since ~cn, ~e County has undc~en a bi-momhly <br />we r~mmcnded, ~d thc ~suhs of these sampling cvcms were fumish~ to u~ <br />r~cnQy. ~is ]clicr cont~ns ~ ~ysi~ of ~hc s~pling data, opdons for <br />rcm~adon, and our rccommcndation~ to ~lcviatc the ~thanc mig~tion problem. <br /> <br />Da~a Summ~ <br /> <br />~c mc~h~uc conccn~dons ~om the monilo~ng pro~s P-I ~o P-9 ~d wells W-~ <br />m W-5, as t~cn by Coun~ st~f, ~e presented Jn the atiachcd table. As s~n, thc <br />mcthanc conccn~ations at pm~s P-3 and P-9 as well as wells <br />consislcmly a~ve ibc ~gulalo~ limits. These latest ~ulLx confi~ Ibc methane <br />mi~don problem in ~ose ~s that wcm idcmifi~ in ~c Mc~hanc Gas Mi~tion <br />Study. Because ~e conccn~dons of me,bane ~ a~ thc pro.ny line ~e in excess <br />of ~gulam~ limits, it is ~commend~ thai thc County implcmcm some type of <br />retaliation <br /> <br />Possible <br /> <br />Scvcr~ ty~s of systems ~c commonly us~ to consol mc~anc g~ mi~don from <br />I~dfill~. These ~ b~cfly de~ri~ <br /> <br /> q <br /> <br /> <br />