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~d sh~ll he~eafter be desl~neted as ~e. Richfiel~ ~isen~e~ <br /> <br /> Fire Dis~ict, petition ~e ~S 0F CO~ <br /> <br /> FOR STAY, CAB~U$, ~.ROk'~ CO~IES to call an election <br /> tn said dls~l~t for ~e p~se of su~ttinE to the <br /> ~alifiet voters therein the ~estion of le~in~ an6 <br /> collectin: a special t~ on all t~able proper~y i~ said <br /> dis~lct, of a ~ount not exceeding fifteen cents ($.151 of <br /> ~ on~ h~e~ doll.s [~100.00) value.on o~ propa~y, <br /> <br /> ~e p~os8 o~ provl~ fire protection ~ said ~is~iCt. <br /> <br />. ~e ~dersiEne~ f~e~ petition ~at ~e afor~entionet <br /> <br /> pursuit to ~e p~vision~ of No~h C~ol~a ~eneral Statute <br /> <br /> ~ouSht lies wl~ ~e follo~ins <br /> <br /> Be~lnnini at a ~int (1) on NC HW. 19, % ~les west of <br /> the I~ station, ~is behl 0.~ ~les west o[ <br /> Cab~s ~ty line; ~ence In a n~easterly dkectton <br /> 3.3 ~les to a point (21 on }~ 52 at ~o lntersec~on <br /> H~ 51 ~ ~e C~S - Row~ ~ty l~e; ~enco ~ a <br /> easterly direction 2,~ ~les to a ~ (3) et ~e <br /> ~section of ~eves Isl~ Reda ~Rt 2118 ~ Beatt~'s Fo=d <br /> Rca8 S~J 2356, ~enco In a easterl~ direction followins <br /> Beatty*~ Fo~ Road SRJ list app~o~ately 1.0 ~le ~ <br /> <br /> St~es Fe~ Road SRI 100~; ~enca in a $ou~oastorly <br /> 6~ection follo~s S~kes Fe~ Roa~ SRJ 100~ app~x~t~ly <br /> 2.O miles to a ~lnt (S) at ~e ~rse~iofl of St~es Fe~ <br /> <br /> easterly ~ion follow~s ~e St~ly - Row~ ~ lice <br /> to a ~t (61 at ~o ~te~sec~on el S~ly - Row~ ~ty <br /> line ~ H~ ~9; ~enco ~ sou~wes~l~ follow~s ~e <br /> centering of ~ ~ i9 to a ~t ii) at ~e ~to~ectiofl of <br /> ~ a~ ~9 ~a ~ a~ a; ~ence ~ a sou~est~Zy d~a~lon <br /> to a ~t (8) on In[~ Rca6 SRJ 150B app~x~t~ly .~2~ <br /> ~1o ~ost of ~o ~ec~on o~ I~ ~ad ~ ~508 ~d <br /> ~ 81 ~oflce ~ 8 sou~es~rly d~on to a ~t (9) on <br /> Gold ~ah~ Road IRt 1507 ap~x~tely .3 ~le sou~east of <br /> ~e ~te~e~on of Gold ~ ~d ~ld Hran~ Road <br /> <br /> tntersec~on of US H~ S2 and 01~ US'~ 52; ~enco following <br /> <br /> <br />