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I~0PA'H <br /> <br />S'I']t~IL¥ COUI'r~, <br /> <br /> PE'TIT~OH FOR F~RE DISTRICT ELECI'IOI~ <br /> <br /> THE UI~ERSIG~ED, being RESIDENT FIt~HOLDERS living i~ a <br /> <br />dis~ict, ~hich die.irt is described belo~ In ~ls vett~ion <br /> <br />FAre Dish,ct. petition ~ ~S OF CO~ ~ISSION~ <br />FOR STAY. C~US. ~.ROW~ C~I~ to call an election <br />in said dis~tCt for th~ p~ose of su~ttin~ to <br />~alif~ed voters there~ ~e ~est~on ~f le~E and <br />co~lectinE a special t~ on all t~able property tn ~aid <br />tls~ict, o[ an ~ount not exceedins fifteen cents (~.15) of <br />~ one h~ed doll~s i$100.00) value,on of p~perty, for <br />~o p~oso o[ provtdinK f~o protection la said <br /> <br /> Tho ~dor~tgned f~er petition ~a~ the afor~entioned <br /> shall be levied for, and f~a p~tection bes~ in, ~e fiscal <br /> ye~ BEGI~I~G ~Y 1, 1991.. ~ls petition ts s~tted <br /> p~su~t to ~o p:ovisions of Not C~l~a General Statute <br /> 69-25.1 et seq (as ~ended). <br /> <br /> ~is dis~lct for ~hiah ~e f~e dis~ict election <br /> <br /> sought lies vt~ ~e relieving <br /> <br /> Beghning at a poht [1) on RC H~. tg, b ~les ~est <br /> ~o f~e station, ~ts being 0.6 ~les ~est of S~nly- <br /> Cabas ~ty line; ~onca in a no. easterly ~lrection <br /> 3.3 ~les to a ~t i2) on ~ 52 at ~e intersec~on of <br /> ~ 52 ~ ~o Cab~s - Ro~ ~unty 1~o; ~onco in a <br /> easterly direction 2.~ ~les to a ~i~ (2) at ~e <br /> intersection oi Reeves Isl~fl Road SRJ 11~8 ~flt Beatty's Ford <br /> Road SRJ 235~, ~ence ~ a easterly tirec~on following <br /> Beatty's Fo~ Road SR~ 2356 approx~toly 1.0 ~le to a poht <br /> itl at ~e lntersec~on of Beatty's Ford Road SR[ 2356 ~d <br /> Stokes Fe~ Root SRI 100Gl ~onco h a sou~e~torly <br /> d~ec~on follovbs S~ko~ Fe~ Road SRJ 100b app~x~tely <br /> 2.0 ~los to 8 point (51 a2 ~ ~torso~lon off Stokes Fe~ <br /> Road ~l lOOb ~d ~e S~Iy -Rov~ Co~ L~e; ~eflco in a <br /> out. Fly d~on follo~g ~o Stagy - RO~ Cowry <br /> to a po~t {61 at ~o in~rsec~on of 5t~ly - io~ County <br /> l~o ~d H~ t~; ~enco ~ sou~ves~rly follo~tnl <br /> centerl~e oE ~ ~ t9 ~o a ~t (~) at ~o lnt~ect~o~ <br /> <br /> · o a ~n~ (8) on In~r~ Road SRS 1508 a~tol~ <br /> <br /> ~ 8; ~nco ~ a s~ste~ly d~oc~on to a ~t (91 on <br /> ~ld ~ ~ad SRI 1501 ap~x~tely .3 ~le sea.east of <br /> ~o ~te~sec~ou of ~uld ~ ~d ~lt ~an~ Roa~ SRI <br /> <br /> <br />