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§ 69-25.1 CH. 69. FI~E PROTECTION. - § .69'-25.1 <br /> <br /> · ' An?[cLE.'3A: ' <br /> Rural Fire ?rotec~ion DistriCts.. <br /> § 69-25.l. Elec~0n to be held upon pe~tion of <br /> . volts.' <br /> U~n the ~tition of thi~-five ~rcent (35%) of the'~sident fre~ <br /> holde~ living in an a~a lying ou~ide the co~ra~ limi~ of any <br /> city or ~m, which mea is des~ib~ in the petition and d~i~a~d <br /> <br /> (Here inse~ name) <br />Fire District," the ~a~ of county ~mmi~ione~ of the county <br />shall ~11 an election in said dis~ict for the pu~ose of submitting <br />the qualifiM vo~ ~erein the question of le~ng and collecting a <br />special ~ on all ~xable prope~y in said distdc~ of not exc~ing <br />fi~en cen5 (15~) on the one hundred dolla~ ($100.00) valuation <br />pmpe~y,, for ~e pu~ose of providing fire pm~ction in s~d dist~ct. <br />It the vo~ reject the sp~ial ~x under the fi~t pa~aph of ~is <br />s~tion, ~en no new election may be held under ~e fi~t para.apb <br />of ~is section within two yea~ on the question of le~ing and <br />~llecting' a s~cial ~ under ~e fi~t para.apb of this ~ction in <br />· at distric~ or in any pm~ed dis~ct which includm a majogty <br />of the land wi~in the distdct in which ~e ~ w~ rej~. <br /> Upon th~ petition of thirty-five percent (35%) of~e resident free- <br />holde~ living in an area which has pre~ously been es~blished as a <br />fire pm~ction dls~ict and in which there h~ been authori~d by a <br />vo~ of~e people a ~ecial.~ not ~eding ~n den~ (10g) on the <br />one hundr~ dolla~ ($1~.00) valuation of prope~y within the <br />area, the board of.~unty commi~ione~ shall call an elation in <br />said area for the pu~ose of submitting ~. the qualified, yours <br />· emin the qu~on of increasing the allowable special .~ for fire <br />pro~tion wi~in said distgct from ~n ~n~ (1~) on ~e one hun- <br />dr~ dolla~ ($1~.00) valuation ~ fi~en ~n~ (15g) on ~e one <br />hundred dolla~ ($100.00) valuation on all ~able pmpe~y ~thin <br />su~ d~tdc~ El~tions on ~e qu~tlon of increming ~e allowable <br />~x ra~ for fire pro~ctlon shall not be held within the same district <br />at in~als lets ~an hvo yea~. (1951, c. 820, s. 1; 1953, c. 453, s. <br />1959, c. 805, ~. 1, 2; 19~, c. 388, ~..1,1.1.) . , <br /> <br />1973, ~ 2~; ~an& 1969, ~ ~ (gar- sfitu~ '~;~y-five ~t (35%)' for <br />nbhment and a~ment and lien for 'fi~n ~nt (15~)' in ~e fi~t ~nd <br />~ll~on ot delinqurnt fi~ p~on ~nd pG~p~ and add~ ~ l~t <br /> <br /> . ; * und~ ~ ~on on ~nd ~ 30 <br /> <br />c ~, L 9, ~t~]~ all In~ and dn~ . ~lt ~o ntt shall not nff~ any <br />~ la~, ~pt publlol~l and pdva~ ~bmi~ ~f0~ ~at dn~ art <br /> <br /> 14 <br /> <br /> <br />