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U~n the petition off.y-five percent {35~) of ~e'resldent fre~ <br />holde, living in au ~ea lying ou~ide ~e co~rn~ ]imi~ of any <br />ci~ or ~, whi~ area is des~ib~ in ~e pe~tion and designed <br /> <br /> {He~ inse~ name) <br />Fire District." thru ~a~ ~ ~unty ~mmi~ione~ of the ~unty <br />shall ~11 nn e]~Uoh in said dls~ict for the p~ of submitting <br />· e qualified vo~m ~erein the qu~fion of le~ing and collating a <br />sp~al ~ on all ~ahle prope~y in ~id dis~ct, of not exceeding <br />fi~en cen~ {~5~) on the one hundred dolla~ {$~00.00) valuation of <br />pmpe~y/for ~e pu~ose of providing fire proration in said ~strict. <br />If ~e vo~ reje~ the ~pecial ~ under ~e fi.t pa~aph of <br />s~tion, then no new el~tlon may he held Under ~e fi~t para.apb <br />of ~is ~cfion within two yeu~ on ~e question of le~ing nnd ' <br />~llecting'a sp~ial ~ under the ~t p~a~aph of this s~tion in <br />that district, or in ~y propo~d distHc~ which includ~ a majority <br />of the land within the district in which ~e ~ was rejec~d. <br /> Upon ~ peti~on of~i~y-five per~nt (35~} of~e resident free- <br />holde~ li~ng in an area which has previo~ly been ~blished ~ a <br />fire pro~c~on dis~ict and in whi~ there ham been authori~d by a <br />vo~ of~e ~ople a sp~ial ~ not ex~ing ~n c~n~ (1~) on the <br />one hundred dollam ($100.00) valua~on of pmpe~y, m~thln the <br />a~a, the boa~ oF.~unty commi~ionem shall ~11 an election <br />said ar~ for ~e pu~se of submitting ~-the qualified, vo~ers <br />~erein ~e qu~on o~in~e~ing the allowable special .~ for fire <br />pm~on w~thin ~id dis~ct from ~n ~n~ (10~) on the one hun- <br />dr~ dolla~ ($100.00) wlua~on ~ ~en cen~ (15~) on ~e one <br />hundred do]la~ ($100.~) valuntlon on all ~able prope~y wRhin <br />such dis~cL ~l~tions on ~e qu~tion of incre~ing the allowaMe <br />h~x ~ For ~e pro~ction shull not be held within ~e same district <br />at in~{{s {~ ~n ~o yea.. U951, c. 820, s. 1; 1953, c. 453, <br /> <br />n~nt and nt~ment an8 lien for 'fi~n ~nt ilS~)" in ~e ~.t <br />milton ~ delinquent ~ p~ion ~nd ~pBs and nd~ <br /> <br />l~;glle~~oflD~s~d~n vid~ in.a. 2 ~at ~e ad <br /> <br />3~ ... ~: ' . under ~s ~on on ~d <br /> Edi~r's Not~-- ~{on ~wa 1951. ~r r~Uon of ~e e~ <br /> <br /> 14 <br /> <br /> <br />