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~ ~"~ i 1 0 ~ REPL. t/83. <br /> <br /> (dll ~xcept in areas closed ~ protect sensitive wildlife populations, hunters ~ Lo,at ~i[~ca~ion: S.~. ~gBZ, c. ~o. ~s amen~ by S.L. ~GSl {Reg. Sess.~ <br /> <br /> (el Race.ns and opossum may be taken at night with ~ogs during sea.ns <br />~ by re~la~lons of the Wildlife Resources Commission with ~he u~ of <br />a~i~clai ligh~ or a typ~ ~esi~ed or commonly used to a~ ~n taking raccoon <br /> <br />~t night, but incidental tr~nspert~tion of hun[ers ~nd d~s [~ and ['rum the s[~e ~ 113-291.2. Seasons and bag [[mits en wild ~n[mals <br />of hunting is ~rmktea. The Wildlife Resources Commission may by re~)adon birds; including animals an d birds laken in bag; <br />cl~sifi~ ~ wildlife which may 5e foun~ in areas &equen[e6 by game with the possession and transpor[atlon of wildlife after <br />~ of ~n a~i~cial light, and may replete the ~hining of Hghts at night in t~kin g. <br />(el) A~er hearing su~clent evidence an~ ~nd~ng as a Fact that an area in) In accordance with ~he ~upp)y of wildlife a,~d other IhcWr~ }t determines <br />rrequen~ed~y deer is subject to substant~a~ unlawful night deer hunting or that I o be of publb' }mp.rtanc~. the ~V~dhf~ Rexource~ Commission may fix seasons <br />residents in tee area have been ~eatly inconvenienced by persons shining ;md bag lim~ts upon the wild animals and wild birds amhorlz~d [o be taken <br />I~gh~ on ~eer, the Wildlife Resources Commission may by re~tat~on p~ohibi~ :hzt [~ deems ~c~s~rv ~r d~h'ah~e in the ~ntere~t~ o1' the c~n~rvat~on <br />the ~n~entiona] sweeping orthat area wkh lights or the intention~l shining of wildlife resources. The ~uthorit)' to fix ~eason~ ~ncludes the c]o~ing otsea~ons <br />lights ou deer, ~rom ll:~O p.m. u,:[[ ~ne-~lf hour before sunri~. Ee~re cempk, teh' when access:ltv and fixing the huur~ ~[hunting. The authority <br />adopting this re~la~lon, the Wildlife Resources Gommisslon mus~ propose ii fix bag li~ks includes tb~ setting of season and possession Hmits. Di~eren[ <br />at a public hearing in the area to be closed and seek the reaction~ ortho l~al seasons and hag llmib~ may be set in differing areas; early or extended <br />lnhabi~n~. The re~lation must exempt necesaary shining of lights b~ and dHl~ren[ or unlimited bag Hm[ts may be authorized on controlledshooting <br />I~ndholders, motoris~ engaged in normal travel on the highway, ~nd ~mpers ' pres~rves, game lands, and public hunting grounds; and special or extended <br /> <br />This subs~tion does not limit the Hgh[ o~hunters [o take raccoon ~nd opossum or taking wildlife under uther special conditlo~ls. Unless m~lfied by regu- <br /> <br /> (~ To keep No~h Carolina provisions respecting migratory birds in substan- ] limits, and possession llnd~ ~ fixed b~' the Unked States Department o[ Interior <br /> ~ confo~ity ~'ith applicable federal law and regulations, the ~V~ldl~fe ~ ~ ~,r ~uy successor ~gency for m~grat~ry game ?i,'d~ in North C~rtdina must be <br /> Referees Commission may by re~lation expand or modiIy provisions otthis followed, and a violation oFthe appficabl¢ teuera[ ~e~uDttluns is hereby made <br /> A~tcIe Et ne~ssa~ to ach{eve s~ch coufomity. In particular the commission : unlawful. . <br /> m~yprohioittheuseafrifles, unpluggedshot~ns, Hvedecoys, andsinhboxes (b Any ldvdu: ~unerortrapperw~oin~ukingawild))fim~lm'birdhas <br /> in the ~ktng of migratory game birds; vary shooting hours addpt specific wounded'or .therwlse disabled ~t must make a reasonable r, llbrt to capture a nd <br /> <br /> been baited, and fix the number oK days afterwards during which it is still be rob'Joyed and counted with respc, cr to any app]icable bag bruits guverning <br /> <br /> sions w/th regard to the Use of live decoys. <br /> (c~ A)~ indlvk)ual who has lawfully taken ~ame'wkhin ap )llcabie bag, pos- <br /> tgi If a season is open permlttlng such method of taking for the s~cies in >e~sion. and season limits ma)', after the game i~ dead. possess and personally <br /> <br /> ~m:n~[s. ~t~d n~ng~me snimaIs and h{rd~ open to hunting with a p/stol of .22 additi(,na[ permit, subject to'tugging ~nd reporting requ~rem~n~ ~h~: may <br /> caliber With a barrel nor less than six inches in tenth and loaded with apply to the ibx and big game, as foliows: <br /> long-rifle ammunition. In addition a hunter or trapper lawfuUy taking a wild (11 h, ~n ~r~a in which the se:~son is open for the species, t~e gzme may <br /> animal or g;iid bird by another lawful method may use a khlfe, pistol, or other ' be possessod and transported without restriction <br /> swift: meth~ of killing the animal or bird taken. She Wildlife Resources Com- t21 Th~, v. div du~ ma~' posses~ :md transport the game Iawfutlv ~ken <br /> special seasons or in special areas reserved for the taking off wildlife with <br /> pr~mltive weapons or other restricted methods, a. T~ hi~ res~dence~ <br /> (hi In the interests of enhancing the e~oyment ogsportsmen, ~nd it consis- as prescribed in G~S. 113-291.3tb~ ,~r aliec, nsed laxidermist; <br /> tent with conse~'atlon objectives, the Wildlife Resources Cnmmi~sio;2 may by <br /> re~lation relax requirements of [hi: section on ~ontrol~ed shooting preserves c. From a piece authorized ~n subparagraph b to his residence. <br /> <br /> These prohibitions include cutting down den tree~ sh~ofing Jn~*~ nests of ~ iid b. One haffo~ the appbcab~e season Hmk fo~' each species. <br /> animals or b rds, and despoliation ofden~, ne~ts, nr ro~kerie~. The aboYe subd~vls]ons apply rv an indivlduld hu~r Under ~ 6 y~..ars <br /> <br /> <br />