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Thi~ cedili~ale ls Issued ~s a matle~ el inlormallon only and conlers no fighis upon tho ce~lilicalo holdoc <br /> This cerlificale does not amend, exlend or allot Ihe coverage al~o~ded by Ihe policy(los) llsled below. Tho <br /> Insurer accepls no resp~nsiblllly ~or any addlllons or changes made hereon thai are hal on record w~lh <br /> lbo Insurer. <br /> Name an~'~ddress of Insured' <br /> SOUTHERN INTERNATIONAL F[~E[7ORKS; [~C. ' ' <br /> P,O. BOX 83&0 <br /> · AT~IITA, GA 30306 <br /> <br /> This is Io co,lily Ihat Ihe policy(les) el I~$urance flsled below have been Issued Io Ihe insured named <br /> ebove and are in Iorce at Ihls time. <br /> <br /> TYPE OF INSURANCE: G£NEE^L LIABIL;[T¥ INCLUDe'NC PRODUCTS AND <br /> andoperalJons/Iocelions COHPLgTED OP£RATIONS LIAB[ <br /> covered lhereundet PER ~OLICY FORH flCHOL-i (CLAIHS HADE) <br /> <br /> NAME OF INSURER: EVANSTON INSURANCE COMPANY <br /> POLICY NUMBER: MC 11399 <br /> <br /> POLICY PERIOD: Hatch 21, 1989 to Hatch. 21, 1990 <br /> <br /> LIMITSOFLIABILITYANDDEDUCTISLE:' C0MBINIiD SINGLE; LIHTT Bodily Injury and <br /> Proper~y Damage Liability <br /> $1,000,000 .each occurrence <br /> $1,O00,000 annual aggregate <br /> $ 25,O00 deductible each occurrence <br />Should Ihe described pollcy(ies) be cancelled belote ils (Iheir) expital~on dale, Ihe undets~gneO w~ll eh. <br />denver lo give. 10 , days wtillen notice 1o Ihe cedificale holder et ~ days wtillen nolica ~n II~o evenl <br />Iho cancellation(s) i$ (ate) due Io non.p~ymenl el ptemlum and/or deducliblo of rolenfion. FQiluto Io Dive <br />such nOlico'shall Impose no obllgal;on or llabilily et any kind upo.~' lbo undersigned et upon Ih0 Insuro~. <br /> <br /> Name and Address of Cerlificale Holder; <br /> <br /> ~Y Ho'~rd <br /> Charlotte Motor Speed,~ay <br /> P.O. Box 600 <br /> Concord. ~C, 28026 <br /> ~spl~y Date: ~,hy 28th. 1989 of ~ternate Date <br /> <br /> <br />