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· Thla ca~liliceto is issued as ~, mattel o! inlormalion only and oonlers no fighl~ upon Iho cerlificel~ holder. <br /> Insurer 8~c~pls no ~osponsibil;l~ I0~ any ~ddilions <br /> <br /> Hame: nnd Addres~ of Insured: <br /> SOUthERN IN'/~RNATIONAG FIRE~OR~S~ INC. <br /> ~.0.~ ~OX 8340 <br /> A~NTA, CA ~0306 <br /> <br /> This is Io carllly Ihat Iho poflcy(ies) et i~suranco lisled below have been is~ued ID Iho insurec~ named <br /> above and ate in to,ce al Ihi~ lime, <br /> <br /> on~oper~lions/Iocallons COHPLETED OPERATIONS LI~DIL~'I'Y II~SURANCI~ <br /> covered lhe~eunde~ PER POLICY FORN ~CHCL-I (CL%lHS HADt[) <br /> <br /> NAME OF INSURER: E~'^J~STO~ IItSURMICr'- COHP^~Y <br /> <br /> POLICY NUMBER: NC 11399 <br /> POFICYPERIOO: March 21, 1989 rD Hatch 21., 1900 <br /> <br /> LIMIT$OFLIABILITYAND DEDUCTIBLE: ' COHBIt/ED $I',~GLE LIHIT .Bodily Injury and <br /> = Property Damage .Liability <br /> SI,DOD)D00 each occurrence <br /> $[,000,000 ~nnual uggregate <br /> $ 25,000 deductible ~ach occurCence <br /> ' Should lbo described pollcy(iesJ be cancelled bo/ore ils (Iheh) expi~alion dale, Ihe undersigned wm eh* <br /> de~vor lo give. ~0_ dayswlitten nOtiCe 1o lbo ce~ilicale holde~ gl .1~ days wllii[*:, notice in"tbo <br /> lbo cancellation{s) is (are) duo lo non,paymenl et premium and/et dodu:liblo o¢ teleni;on. Failure <br /> such noli~o 'shall impose no obfi0alion or fiabil ly gl any kind upo.d'lhe undotsi0ncd c,~ upon Ihe Incu~c~. <br /> Name ~nd Address of Certificate Holder: <br /> CannOn Village ~ndependenoe Day <br /> P.O. ~Box 28 <br /> ~nn~pu!is, NO, 28082 <br /> Attn:{ Nulene Hot,an <br /> .~isplay Da~e: J~e 30, 1989 or ~terna~e <br /> <br /> Dale ~-$1-89 ~ Shand. MO ahan L'C( m,Tany, lnc. <br />. .~. <br /> <br /> <br />