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: ' OERTIF(CATE .OF INSURANCE ' <br /> <br /> Th S Cedi i~ale is issued ae a real ar of Informellon only end confers nO dghls upon Ihe cediiieale holder. <br /> Thle cetflfica a does no amend,* exlend et oiler fha coverage aNotded by Ihe policy(les) ~isled below. The <br /> InSurer accePls no tesponslbil~ly for apy addiNons or changes made hereon [hat are ~og off record wJlh <br /> the In~urar, <br /> Nam;';' 'd Xddrg'ss dll sured: .... <br /> SO~T~N I~T~RNATIO~L. FIREUOR~S', INC.' ·. <br /> P.O. BOX 8~40 <br /> <br /> Thls Is to certify that the policy(les) of insurance listed 'belo:,v have be~n issued lo II~e insured named'' <br /> above and are in lores at tlils time, ,.' <br /> <br /> " ' '[YPEOFINSURANCE: OENERAL LIABILITY INCLUDING PRODUCTS AND <br /> and operalions/IOCetlons COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY' INSURANCE <br /> · coveredlhereunder PER POLICY FORbl ~CHCL-I (CLAIMS HADE) <br /> <br /> NAME OFINSURER: EVANSTON INSURANCR COMPANY <br /> P~LICY NUMeER: MC 11399. <br /> PC. LICY'PERIO0; }larch 21, 1989 to 'l'let'ch 21, 1990 -. <br /> <br /> LIMITSOFLIABILITYANDDEDUCTI@LE: COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Bodily Injury and <br /> Property D~mago Liability <br /> $l,OOO.O00 each occurrence <br /> $1,000,000 annual agl~regate <br /> $ 25,000 deductible each occurrenca <br /> Shouid the descf bed po icy(les) be cancelled before Ils (ihei~) expkalion d~te. ~he undefsigned.wUi en- <br /> deavor.lo g;ve 1 ~ 'days wdllen nolice to Ihe certillcale.holdef of ~ ~ . days wdIlen notice in lhe event <br /> ' Ihe ~ancellallon(s) Is (are) due Io non.payment of premium.and/of de~uclible or fatenllon. Failure to g~w <br /> ;uch nolice shall obHgallon or IiabiIily o~ any kind upon lhe undeaigned of upon ihe Insurer, <br /> <br /> Neme and Address of Certificate Holder: <br /> carolyn Mall <br /> '~ghway 29 Nortk <br /> Concord, NC. 28025 <br /> At,n: Mr, David Silta <br /> D%mplay Date: July 1, 1989 or Alte~ate DACe' <br /> <br /> -'. Dele. 5-2..~89 · ~0B Shand. Morelmn & Company. Inc. <br />: ... .. Shand Mo/ahan Plaza <br /> <br /> <br />