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- GENERAl, ASSEMIH,Y OF NORTH CAROl,INA ... <br /> S I,'~;I¢)N 1989 <br /> <br /> HOUSE DRH3182-LE028(4.26) <br /> <br /> Short Title: Focal Point Fund~3 Connties. (Public) <br /> <br /> Sponsors: Reprcscmalivcs Privet/c, L0flJn, and Barbee. <br /> <br /> Referred to: <br /> <br /> A BII.I. TO BE ENTITLED <br /> 2 AN ACT TO PROVIDE AI'PROI:RIATE FUNDS FOR COMMUNI'I:Y-BASED <br />3 SERVICES AT COMMUNITY LOCAL FOCAL POINTS IN CABARRUS, <br />4 UNION, AND STANLY COUNI'IES. <br />5 Whm'cus. by lilt: year 2000 thm'e will (*e one million persons in the State <br />6 of North Citrolina 65 years of age anti oldt:r; and <br />7 Whereas, tile largest nt~mher of senior adults remain active in our <br />8 eonlllltnli{ies; and . <br />9 Whereas, Ihesc older adults entering into tile retirement system need one <br />Il} single entry poi~it to tile service delivery systen'~ as xvell as the opportunity to provide <br />i I vohmlecr service.';: anti <br />12 Whereas. die State of North Carolina spends approximately five times <br />1.3 more on institutiooa[ care for tile elderly than oil commnniiy-based care, even though <br />14 I'mlr of every five frail elderly persons live al home, dependent upon family members, <br />15 eJlrtll'cJl grollps and otht:r inl'ol'lUal caregivcrs: anti <br />16 Wllerc.:ls, tile Slate of Norlll Carolina has established a need for a <br />17 coordinated fidl service doll',cry s3,stcm through tile study of Senate Bill 1559 and the <br />'q8 rcconlmendations reqncstcd ill IIonsc Bill 279; and <br />It) Whereas. it is tile intent of Section 1321.53(C) of tile 1987 <br />20 Reattlllori,~lltioll for Ibc Older Amm'icau's Act to designate community focal points to <br /> <br /> <br />