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CONTRACT TO PROVIDE TAX DISTRICT FIRE SERVICE <br /> <br /> NORTR CAROLINA <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br /> This contract, made and entered Into this__ day of , <br /> ID , by =nd between the V0]uoteer Fire Dep~rtment <br /> Inc.., A nonprofit corporation, and the County of Cab=rrus; <br /> <br /> WlTNESSETH: <br /> <br /> That for and in considerAtiOn of the mutual covenants hereinafter <br /> contained, and pursuant to authority qranted by G.S 69-25.3, <br /> 69-2§.6° and G.S.153A-233, the Volunteer Fire Department <br /> alld the County of C~bArrus do hereby covenant and agree as <br /> follows: <br /> <br /> 1. The County of CabArrus agrees to annually levy and <br />col lee[ uoon all taxable property lying within the boundries of <br />the Volunteer Rural FIr~ Protection Tax District an <br />ad valorem property t~x equal to __ cents per one hundered <br />($tO0'.O0) valuation, and afler deduction of the Couitty's <br />administrative ohar~e (3%) for col leotion of such taxes, to pay <br />the same to tile Volunteer Fire Department Ino. All <br />monies ool le~ted wi I I be paid to lhe fire department regardless <br />of actual dollars budgeted. <br /> <br /> An additional supplement in the sum of $ 250.00 per month <br />shal I be payable as specified le the Cabarrus County Fire <br />Protection Resolution. <br /> <br /> 2. The __ Voluntee~ Fire D~par [ment agrees to furnish <br />and provide centlnulng fire protection service to all properly <br />lying within the boundrles of the Volunteer <br />Rural Fire Protection Tax District by dispatching upon <br />any or all of it5 equipment and adequate personnel to operate <br /> <br /> 3. The Tax Collector of the Counly of Cabarrus sh~l I collect <br />the ad v=lorem taxes so levied and shall make paymellt o! tile same <br />to the Vn]lmfppr Fire Department monthly as collections <br /> <br /> Tile Volunteer Fire Deparlmenl agrees to operate <br />wlthle the guidel lnes sailor Ih In the Cab~rrus Courtly Fire <br />Protection Resolutlon~ attacl~ed lo this contract. <br /> <br /> 5. This contract may be terminated by either party at the <br />end of any fiscal year by giving 90 days written notice of its <br />intent to so termlnat.e to the other party. <br /> <br /> In wllness whereof the V01untee~ Fire Department, Inc. <br />Ilas caused these presents ID be s'igned by its President and <br />attested to by its Chief, and the County of C~barrus has caused <br />these presents to be signed by Its Chairman and' atlested by the <br />Clerk of Its Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br /> <br />