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'~ ' · DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY <br /> <br /> '~'"~'~ ,n~t'~Erc~to Febrsu~y 22, I988 <br /> <br /> Regnlatory Brnuch <br /> <br /> Hr. Paul C. [~atson~ Jr., P.E~ <br /> ItD~t Iaf restructure <br /> Post Off[ce Box 11257 <br /> Charlotte, North Caroliua 28220-]257 <br /> <br /> Dear Hr. Nelson: <br /> <br /> Euclosed are comments received from Federal aQd S~ate resource a~encies <br /> r~ard[n~ the p~oposed wa~er supply reservoir on Coddle Creek, Cabarrus <br /> Conn~y~ North Carolina. These commen~s, alon~ with ~hose provided dnrin~ the <br /> scopin~ meetin~ on January 27, ~988, shonld be addressed In preparation of the <br /> Enviconmeu~a[ Assessmen~ (EA) for ~he proposed project. <br /> <br /> Spec[flc Information ~eques~ed by chis off[ce is p~ovided below. <br /> addition, previous cominco%ts weue provided ~o Pierson and %~hi~mas dnrin~ <br /> earlier work performed ou ~he EA that should be reviewed and considered. <br /> <br /> a. Identify presen~ wa~er class%fications~ water quall~y staudards, and <br /> water uses [n ~be drainage basin above and immed[a~ely below ~he proposed <br /> projec~, <br /> <br /> b. Ideot[fy present wa~er qual%cy conditions in ~he project area, <br /> Parameters that sbo[~ld be addressed include metals, sedimentation, nutrients, <br /> aed dissolved oxygen. Identify occurrences of contraveutions to State water <br /> qnalfty standards. Identify poln~ and nonpoint pollution sources, <br /> <br /> c. Identify any ievolvement by the N,C. Departmeut of Rumaa Resources <br /> and/or tile N.C. Division of Environmenkal Management (DEbl) with respect to <br /> des[guuci~g the proposed reservoir as a raw wa~er supply source. Ide~t[fy <br /> water qnality issues raised during DE~,i's surface water reclass~flcatiou study. <br /> <br /> d. Project water quality in the proposed reservoir and downstream, <br /> Identify the location a[~d design of water release structures and how they <br /> would affect water quality during both high and low flow periods. Identify <br /> miailaum release requirements ~hat would maintain viable downstream aquatic <br /> <br /> <br />