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<br />LGC.205 (Rev. 111988) <br /> <br />CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS <br /> <br />of Cabarrus County. North Carolina <br />(Cov"nm,m~ Un") <br /> <br />Th~ agr",ment, made th~ 12 day of April , 19J1iL, by and betw",n Arthur <br />Audi'o, <br />Young & Company 1500 Independence Center, 101 North Tryon Street <br />Mailing Add,~ <br />Charlotte, North Carolina 28246 ,b",inú", "I""d '0.. <br /> <br />tb, Anw,." and non",! of Commissioner of Cabarrus County. North C,~~,9,iJ.'~:;f""d <br />GovernIng Body Co",nm,et.1 Un" <br />to as the Governmental Unit, as follow" <br /> <br />I. The Audito, ,hall examioe all ,'atemen" and disclosur... requl,ed hy &en...lly accepted acrounting pdnclples and addftlonally "qui"d <br /> <br />legal d~eI",u'... of all funds andlor dlvhiom of Ihe Govemmental Unit fo, Ihe p"iod beginning Ju 1 y 1 , 10.ß.L, and <br /> <br />ending June 30 , 19-.illL. The combining, Individu.1 fund, and acrount gmup financial "atemen" and ,ehc-dulex ,hall <br />be subjected to Ihe auditing p,o<edures applied in the examination of the combined financi.1 ...tements .nd an opinion wm be "nd"ed <br />in ,elation to the comhlned finaneialstatemen" taken as a whole. The Audit will have no scope IImitatiom excep" NONE <br /> <br />2. The Audito, ,hall conduct h~ examination and rend" h~ "po,t in acro,dance with genmlly accepted anditlng ,'anda,ds. The examlna. <br />tion ,hallinelude ,ueh tests of the acrounting rcco,ds and such oth" auditing procedures as a" comld"ed by the Audito, to be """,",a,y <br />in the clreUtmlances, """ltt as follow" (5", Item. of Imtmetlo'~) NONE <br /> <br />3. It ~ agreedlhat genetallyaccepted auditing..andalds Inelude a "vi,wofth,Govemm,nt.1 Unit"'y,tem of internal conlrol and acrount. <br />ing as ,ame "Ia'es 10 acrountablilly of funds and adhmn"" 10 budget and law 'cquitemen" applicable th,reto; Ihat the Auditor wm <br />make a written report, which mayo, may nol be a part of the w,¡tten "po,t of ..dit, to the Govcming Body setting forth h~ findIngs, <br />,ogether with h~ ,ccommendatlons fe, Imp,ovement. Tbe Auditn, ,hall liIe a conI' of said "nOt! with the See"ta" of Ihe Local Govem. <br />ment Commission. <br /> <br />4, The Auditn' ,hal~, .cler completing h~ examination, submll to Ihe Goveming Body a w,itten "po" of andit. Thl~ 'eport ,hall Include, <br />at leasl, the financial "atemen" and notes thmto prepared In aeco,dan.. with generally accepted acrounting pdnciples, combining and <br /> <br />~;~¡~;:;~~;;'I~~di~~t:h~líe~~~~~ b3t8eclien~;I~~~i;;;~ ~:~~Io~~e~d~~;~ ~~~.~~~::'~I~g ':;'~~h:::::~o~';~~~:I~~¡"~f:~: :ì::t:I~:~ <br /> <br />of the ac<:ountlng period. The Audito, ,hall file 3 conies of said repOOl of audit (I co"y If no ,in.le audit is "Qui",l) with the Seereta,,' <br />of the Local Guvernment Commi;sion. <br /> <br />5. It ~ ag"..."¡ thai time ~ of the essence In th~ contract. AU audits are 10 be podn,med and the "port of audit submiUc-d hy - <br /> <br />October 31, 19~. <br />6. Should circumstances disclosed by the audit call for a more detailed Invesllgatlon hy tI.. Auditor th,n n"""ary under ordinary clrcum,lances, <br />Ihe Audito, ,halllnfo,m 'he Gowning Body in w,iting of the need for such additional investigation and th, additional compensation <br />reqnl,,-d Ihetefnr. Upon approval by the See"..ry of the Local Go""'men' Commission, th~ ag""ment may be va'¡c-d or clmnged to <br />Include the Incoe;;sed Ume and comp,osation as may be agreed upon by Ihe Guve",lng Bod)' and Ihe Auditor. <br />7. The Auditor ,hall perfo,m 0 compllanÅ“..ominaUon fol all fed...1 and State finaneiol ""~tance psograms in ac<:o,dance with the Single <br />Audit Aet of 108{ (Puh. L. No. 08.502 and G.S. 159-3{). The Auditor will file 'hree copies of ,II repo",' ,,"uired und" the Fvd",1 ond <br />Stat, Sin,le Audit Acts with thc Seeretary of the Local Cove"'ment Commission. (Th~ Ineludes the repOOl required in p,,"graph 3.) <br />(See Item' 7 and 0 of I"'lou"lm~.) . <br />8. 1nconsidmUon oflhcsatisfactory perfosmanceof th'prov~ions ofth~ agreement, the Govemmental Unit ,hall pay to the Auditor, upon <br />app,oval by the S<"rctary of the Local Gove",menl Commission, a Ice which Includes any cost the Auditor may incur from work paper <br />"views by thl,d parties (Fedetal andlor Slate agencies) ... rcr¡ul,ed under the f,ederal aod State Single Audll Ae": $33,000 <br />9. There... no other agreements between the pastles hereto and 00 otheo 'grcemen" reloUve hereto that ,hall he enforceahle unless vntmd <br />Intu In ac<:ordonce with th, procedure ret oUl and approved by th, Soc"tary of the Local Gove"' Commission, <br />10, There... n",pedal prov~lons. ..""pt: NONE See Attached Engagement Letter <br />II. All of the .bove pa,agroplu are understood and shall apply to th~ ags",ment, the following numbe"d paragrophs ,hall be deleted: <br /> <br /> <br />£~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Approved hy Ihe Secretary of the Local Govemmenl Comm~. <br />,ion as provided in Arlicl,3, Chap'er 159 of Ihe General Statutes <br />or A,tlele 31, Pari 3, Ch'pter U5C of Ihe General Statutes. <br /> <br />Co",n'og llady <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Th~ Instrument h... be"n preaudlted In the manner requi,ed by <br />the Local Gomnment Budget and F~eal Contsol Act or by the <br />Schonl Budget and Fiscal Contsol Act. <br /> <br />r." ,be See"..., <br /> <br />"0,0,,0111.., <br /> <br />D,le <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />File in T,ipIiMe. (The teom' and conditions on Ihe reverse side arc an integoulp"l of Ih~ contoue!.) <br />(p <br />