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I-~.S Refusal of Gerllgicate of Filneu. Wben the' <br /> Marshal determines that an applicant is not fit to recelvt <br /> lite certificate of fime~ becau~ of the appiicant'~ inabili <br /> ~r~ificzt~ o~ Fim~ ty to comply whh the prbvh~on~ of Ih~ C~e. ih~ Fir <br /> ~a~hal shall r~fu~ to iuue the certificate of <br /> the refusal is ba~ on the applicam's inability ~o pau <br /> written examination ~ven to de~e~ine cem~tency. <br /> appl~cam may not apply again fur the ce~tificate'ot <br />[-1 T~e following are the details of the requirements for <br />cerfificat~ of fime~ in lhi~ juri~iction, fit~a~ within a ten-day ~ri~ following the examina- <br /> <br />1-2.1 ~rtlficat~ of Fimm R~uired. A cer~iEcate of <br />~inc~ is required by the responsible ~r~n cooductln~ <br />any of the following activities When such acllviti~ are 1-~.6 P~vlsiuns'~verningcertificat~rtilicat~ofoffim~Fim~. <br />cund~cted on a fur-hire bas~s: I-~.6.1 Transferability. <br /> nm be transferable. <br />(a) The t:~ of any explosive material. <br />Exc~pt~onNu. l: Thu~eper~onnelgn~t~dgnmanufac. 1-2.6.~ Expiration of ~ftHicate .o[ Fame.'~ ~f- <br />luring processes ufdm~a~ explo~fue ~e~m~. tificatcs of fitne~ shall be i~ued fur Ibc peri~ of <br /> sl~own un Ibc face of the certificate uf fime~:as d~t~r- <br />Exc~pfgon NO. 2: TAo.~e gndf~dun~ mfng power, d~n mined by Ih~ Fi~e Ma~hal. bgt such period of time ' " <br />riveting muchir~e~ emplo~f~g soleil arm~ anlmungtfon, not exceed Ihree years, <br />(b) Arty blasting ur dentoli~ion operation. I-g,6.3 Renewal of ~rlificaie of Fime~. -~ppl~ca <br /> tiuns fu~ retlew~l of a c~ifi~ale of fitne~ sl,all be filed <br />(c) Aa~ fircw~zrk~ display, the ~ame maturer as an application for an mlginal cee- <br />(d) Thc scrviclng ur recharging of any porlabie fire ex- ~ificate. Each such application shall be accompanied by <br />tmgui~hcr, u: disable fc~s. The granting of a renewal t~f a <br />(e) The ~,rvicing ur recharging o~ any fixed fire ex- uf litne~ d~all be accu~tplid:ed in the same manner'as fur <br />thzguid*ing ~y~tcm. an original certificate of fim~. <br />(~ The in~tallalim~ and ~rvlcin8 of any fire alarm ut !-2.6.4 Re~trlcicd ~rllflcatn of Fimm. The File <br />~re communication system. Marsbal is autburized, u~n application therefore. <br />(g) The installation ur ~rv~cing of any gas- or oil- i~ue certificates of fitn~ that are restricted <br />burning heating ~ystcm, h,eluding the com~nems more activities. ~y~tems. items, or devices, ur to a par- <br />thereof, titular prcmi~c. <br />(b) Any chimney sweep operaliun. <br />(i) Cleaning of ducts u~d fur t~e removal of grca~- I-2.6.5 Change of Addre~. Ea~'h per~n holdinga cer- <br /> tificate of filfie~ shall amity the Fire Markbal in w~;ii~g <br />lade~z vapors, u[ any change in that person's busln~; r~idemial, or <br />~xceptfun No. I: ~ny person 6a~ng ob~a[ned a <br />or other ~ert~(cetv us ~noy be requ(r~d by ~tate or local mher notification addre~ Within ten days after such <br />fern co~r~g un~ of the abo~ acti~ies. Such exemption cl~ange, Failure on the part of a ~rson to ~ve such <br /> nmificatim~ ~hall c'onstitute gruund~ fur revocallun <br />xhall be for that act~'ty only. ce~tlficate of dram. <br />Exception No. 2: ~ny employee ofa firm trafned in the <br />proper procedures for cunduct~)~g the appllcable act~'~'t~, I-2.6.6 ~ntenM of~Ce~t~flcate of Filnm. A cer. <br /> tilicale uff ~ r~ ~ucd by the Fire Marshal al*all be in <br /> I'orm of an idemificalim[ card. Said card ~hall comai~ <br />I-2.2 App teat on All'applications for a certificale of <br />fimc~ sball be I~]ed with' Ibc Fire Marshal on form~ pro- [ul~uwhlg infnrmatiun lo be valid: <br />vidcd by the Fire Ma~hal. (a) The pur~.for which the certificate of <br /> i~ucd. <br /> <br /> 1-2,3 Pr~[ u[ Qualltlcati0na. Every prison applying (b) TI e date ~he certificate of fitne~ ~ i~ued and the <br /> ' r a crr~il'i~ate *f 3 ~'~ d~a I furnisb satisfactory pr~f date of expiration.. <br /> ~ die Fire Marsh d ,~f famillarlly w ~ ~ he maier a s. fi~r- (c) 0thor h~f0rm~iun as may be necr~a~ t~ properly <br /> idemlfy the per~n to whom the ~crtificate <br /> r 'c g ~cd gm~d iai' ~cs. salcly precautions, and manu- <br /> facturer's rt. cummctzdalions pcrtai~fing to Ihe partlcuJar i~ucd. <br /> system mulet a s, dry cci or t ~crations inw*lved and for (d) The sJ~atu~e of the penon to whom the certificate <br /> which thc certificate ~f fitnc~ is ~Ued. The applicant of fime~ is i~ucd. <br /> (el Thc n'am~ and signature o~ tl~e Fire Marshal who <br /> ~baU fi r ~cr prove I ys ca cumpctence tu perfurm any <br /> a d all acthms nccc~ary or incidental ~o rite o~atiun i~uc.d the Certificate of fimeu, o~ the Fire Marshars <br /> fur which the certificate of fime~ is'i~ucd, name. and' ~&Uate~signa~ure of the Fire Marsbal's <br /> designated r~pre~ntative. <br /> I-2.4 Investigation and Examination. -Tbe Fire Mar- [~ ~,rin~ed'ih~reon in bold type the fuRowing: "THIS <br /> s a shall invest ga e e~ ~I; Ji~a~ 66 f~r a ~ettific~t~ of CERTIFICATE DO~ NOT EXCLUSIVELY REGOM. <br /> fi. r~ :F ~ ~'~'~ ga m sba ~ u'deanexaminati~mof MENDTllE B~RER." <br /> he apl, cam's','Xl,ericnce ~ml t~h,~hg ~n"t ~ field 0f d,e I-2-6.~. R~q~iremenC 't~ Di,~lay Certilicate <br /> cerlificat~b[ fiis~t~ fn~'~hi~b a ~pli~tioh h~k been'~kde. <br /> The ~xamlnat~tm s~ay ~c ude a i~r~cti~a[ lest. Wlicn ibc Fitnea~ ~ Aoy ~n Io ~1 om ~ ge~tifiCate of fim~ ha~ <br /> Five MarShal d~[~rmi[~s thai' the ~idicant [o~ the cee. be~n'granted ht conformanc~ wilh th~ C~e-shall;: u~n <br /> tiiicate ~f fimc~ cm~f0rms to all' ~[ die ~quircments of req6cst', pr~uce.and ~how p~u~r identification and thc <br /> c~flificate ~f fitn~'to anyon~for Whom that per~n ~e~ <br /> this C~e, th~ Fire biar~hal shall i~ue the ~rtificatc of to render ~rvlcea or to t~ Fire Marshal <br /> <br /> <br />