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!-2.5 Refuzal of Cerlifica~e of Fitness. Wlien the Fir~ <br /> Certificates of Fitnc~ Ihe certificate of Fitness becau~ of Ibc app caht ...... <br /> ty to comldy wilh due pro~ sons of tho C~e, the Fi <br /> Marshal si~alJ refu~ to i~ue the cerlificate u( fitn~ I <br /> the refusal is ba~d on the applicanl's inability to pa~ <br /> <br /> cerlificates o~ fi~oe~ m this jurisdlclion, fim~ wilhin a ~ri~ Following Ihe e ' <br /> %-R.I ~rtificat~ of Fim~ R~uired. A cerlificateuf <br /> <br /> any of tl~e [ullowlng activities who ~ such activitim are 1-2.6 Provisions ~vernlng ~r~iflcatm 0f Fitn~. <br /> cunductcd on a for.hire basis: 1-2.6.1 Transferabillly. Cerlificates of ~tn~ sh" <br /> <br /> Exceptton No. I: 'l'hoaepersonnelifi~l~d I% manufac. 1-2.6.2 Expiration of Ccrt f cate of Filn~. Cer- <br /> turl)lg pruce~e$ uttlamg e~loMue ~rtuh. lificales 0f filne~ shaU be ~ued for I e period of li~e <br /> <br /> Exception No. 2: Tho.~e indi~duah mt~g power, dd~n mined by the Fire Marshal. but such period of ilme d~" <br /> (b) Aoy hlaating ur demolilion opcra~ion. 1-2.6.~ Renewal of ~rliflcale uf Fi~ne~ Appllca- <br /> <br /> (d) Thc ~crvicl.g ur recharging of any purlablc [irc ex- the same m u icr aa an aI I ca,ion for an original ccr- <br /> ti~'~gui~ht, r. tificu~c. Each ~uch application aha be accumpanldd <br /> upp eable [c~s. The gramlng 0f a renewal of a <br /> (c) Thc ~'rvlcing ur recharging of a y fiked fir~ ex- of li~.e~ shall'be accomplished in the same manner a~ fur <br /> <br /> {I} Th6 ina~allaliun and scrvlclng of any fire alarm ~r <br /> (g) The in~lallatiun or ~rvicing of any gas, or oil. Marshal is aut~mriztd, upon appl ca un ~herefore <br /> <br /> laden vapm~, f cate oF filncas shall m~tify thc Fire Marshal in w~iting <br /> <br /> or olher cer~icate ~ ma~ be z~qm'red by ~late or local mhcr nutiGcalion addre~ With tt I~n days aficr such <br /> lam co'ring a~y or,he abo~ acti~'tie~. 3u~h exemption cha.gc. F~ilure on the ~arl of a pcr~on to We such <br /> <br /> Exception No. 2: ~ny employee olay'tm trained fit the <br /> ~ro~er proccdurcs ~br conducting the ap~h'cable noisily. [-~.6.~ ~ntcnu of Ccrtlflcate of Fitn~. A ccr. <br /> <br /> fitne~ shall be filed with the Fire Marshal on forms pro. [ullowing infurmatlmi to be valid: <br /> vidcd by thc Fire Manhal Fa) Thc purpu~ for whicl~ thc certificate of fitnc~ <br /> i~ucd <br /> I-2.3 Prmd uf Qualificallons. Every-person applying (b) 'l*hc dale ~l~e certificate uf fitnc~ is i~ucd and the <br /> <br /> (c) Olher information as may bc ecr~a~ ~proI er y <br /> <br /> . * i~ucd. <br /> <br />which Ihr ccr~ificate of fimc~ ia i~ucd. T ~e applicam u[ filnc~ ia i~ucd. <br />shall further prove dtysical corn ~e~ence tu pcrfmin any (c] Thc name and signature of tl~e Fire Marshal who <br /> <br />I-~.4 .Investigation and Exa.~inatlon. The Fire Mar. ~"(0 P,i~i~d dscreon in bold type the f,,llowinff: "Tills <br />shal sh~ll investigate e~y al;'iJllcado,i f6r ~ c~rtifi~ase of CERTIFICATE DO~ NOT EXCLUSIVELY HECOM. <br />lils~. The invt'~iga~im~ ~hall. lnclude an e~amlnalim~ of MEND 'FILE B~KER." <br />sh~ applicam's r'x ~ricnc~ a~id ~r~i.i.g in.d~e field <br /> diea~iohfia~b~rfi~ade, i~2-6.7 Requirem6nt to DJ,play Certificate of <br />Phc rx~mina~im~ ;na~iii~lude a ,~acilc~'l t~,~ W'h~n lite Fitne~. ~.y ~r~ o wliom a'cer~ fi~e 0f fi nc~' <br /> . I . , bccti-gran~cd in conformance Wilh this C~e shall, <br />~ifi~a~e of fimc~ cussl~im~'to ~ I 0f fire re~ uhedsems of request. ~ioduce and show p~u~r ide~ ficat on and t <br />rids C~e, the Fire Marshal shall i~ue Ihe cttilficate of certificate of fimm to anyone for whom thi~ permn <br />IbiSes. m rendcr ~rviccs or to ~he Fire Marshal. <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />