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NA~E CF.,RE DIS~R,CT /~,-,~/.-...,/2 cOUNT',' ~'.~ <br /> DISTRICT IS SERVED BY ~~/ //~ FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> <br /> M ad To The Nm'th (:al'olJlla ~l ale P~lmrl mull( Ct 111SUIqkll(:t% P. 0. I{ox ~(;:{~7. Rah,i~h, N. C. <br /> <br />  NORTH ,CAROLINA :' ' <br /> ~:;~;' REPORT OF FIRE CONDITIONS <br /> <br /> TOTlll.; ' '' ' ' ' <br /> COMM]SSi0N~R ct, INSURANC~ <br /> Raleigh, N: C. <br /> <br /> As required by seetion 1 ]8-9 or the Generul Slalules ct North Carolina. I. A o{lilor o~said Counly <br /> <br /> FIRE I)I,:PARTMI~NT INI~ORMATION <br /> ~,.~ 8ei, t. ,~.,'~,,,,,~ ............ ~g ..................... ~,,, Th,,.. ......................................... Vo~,,,t~,-......~ ............... <br /> Nh. I".D. l louses or S{ations ............. ~ ................. No. Pumpers ....... ~ .......................No. Tankers ....._~ ............... <br /> No. Oth'~r 8p~dial Purpose Vehicles ........ ~ ................................................... Total Co's .............................. <br /> <br /> .................................. Hydrants ............................... Combination ...~J ................ <br /> Type <br /> Water <br /> Sul)Jl]y: <br /> Mobile <br /> <br /> LOCAL FII{I,3MEN'S I[EI~IEF FUND <br /> <br /> off' eno~sReleflt da omcdhyI'n'el)epartment[two] ...................................................... <br /> .....~-~¢~....~,,,.~ ........................ ~. M,'. _.4~,~/~ ~.~/,,. .................................................. <br /> I <br /> Mr. <br /> <br /> N im~es of TruMees of Fh'emen's Relief Fund appoinled by the Cou it.' C~o n n ssio~ ers [two) ...................................... <br /> :~. ~r. .......... ~,~/~..../~,~Z ........................................ ~. ~.,,.. .~../~..~.: ~( ......................................... <br /> <br /> Treasurer of Firemen's ~{elief rlllld Numher. 1 2 3 ,I 5 Above(encircle which) <br /> ts you · F ire Department a member of the North Carolina State Firemen's Asseciution? ..~.~.d. <br /> NORTIt CAR01,1NA <br /> .................................................. Couaty <br /> <br />,, . ........................... Audito~TFinance officer of .................................................................... <br /> County, N. C. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, fail, and correct report of the Fire Department and fire <br /> <br /> conditions of ............................................ Rural Pire District. <br />:~' Under Section 118-9 of the (;enerul Statutes of North Carolilm. <br /> <br />; Sworn to and sobseribed befor~ mt,, this .......................................... dlkv of ........................................... 19 ............ <br /> <br /> [8EALI <br /> NOTIg: This report can not be aceepled unless sw~}rn to before Nit 'y or other officer with 8cai. <br /> <br /> <br />