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NAME OF FIRE DISTRICT Cold Wa%er COUNTY Caba~'l~s <br /> <br /> DISTRICT IS; SERVED BY Co]kd lT&t~r Vol~_nf,~er FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> <br /> M ;iii To Th'.' Roi'Lb Carolin,..~t aLL' OL'lial'[lllLqiL O[ ] l}~tll'tili{'L'. P. (). HOX 26:h~7. Rah.,i~l~, N. C. 276! 1 --ih, Fore Oetul.n' :? Isl. <br /> <br /> ~"~ NORTH CAROLINA ~ <br />  RURAL FIRE DISTRICT <br /> '<~'~..'~ REPORT OF FIRE CONDITIONS <br /> <br /> To'rill.; COMMISSIONER oi.' INSI_IRANCI,L <br /> P, aleigh, N. C. <br /> <br /> As requice{I by section 118-9 of tile (;en~,ral Statutes of North (;arolina, I. Auditor o£said Cotlnly do hereby make <br /> <br /> the followin~ repcn;L on the ....~..o.l:.d...~.~.~ ...................... Rural Fire l)istriet. CounLy of ...... .0..~..b.~.o. ...................... <br /> <br /> FIRE DEPARTMENT INFORMATION <br /> <br /> Fire l)epL Personnel .............. .~.~ ........................ I"ull Time ............ Q ............................ Volunteer. ......... ~.. ............... <br /> N,. F.I). llouses or Stations ...... .~- ...................... .... No. Pumpers .......... ~ ...................... No. Tankers ........ .1,. ............. <br /> No. Other'Specia~ Purpose Vehicles .....(.~)...B. ,r3!.-.~..h.,.?...l'~...q~ ............................................ Total (;o's ................ ~ ............ <br /> <br /> "vi e Wa~er Supply: Mobile ........... ..I..??. ................ llydrants ................ I..~ .......... Combination .......... .l'..?.~.. ............. <br /> <br /> LOCAL FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND <br /> <br /> N ,nes of Trustees of F remen's Relief Fun( lpDo nte~ hv Fin, l)epm'tmen~ (two) ...................................................... <br /> Ji~ Gray Aaro~ Cook <br /> 1. Mi'. ................................................................................ 2. Mr. .............................................................................. <br /> <br /> N roles o£Trt stees of F 'emen'.'; Re ef F d appo Ited I v the Counl3, Commissioners (two) ...................................... <br />:~. ~l,,....~.~...~..;~.~...k~.**!.d?~'. ............................................... ]. ~I,.. .......... ~.o.~.?~.1~ ........................................... <br /> Nantes o£Trnstee of Pil'emen's Relief ["und al)POinted by [nsm*ance Commissioner [one) .......................................... <br /> <br /> 5. Mr.....,~.9~...Q_~-stL~.Ti....' .................................................. If same ~s h~'iL ycal*, check here(x) <br /> Treasurel'ofFiremcn'slteliefFundNunlber. L 2 3 ,t(5) Above(encirclewhich) <br /> Isyour l"ire Department a member of tile North Garolina State Firemen's Association? ...... .T..~ ................................ <br /> <br /> NORTI[ CAI~.OL1NA <br /> .................................................. Cotlllly. <br /> <br /> ...................................................................... A uditor/l"inance officer o1' .................................................................... <br />County. N. (;. do hereby certify that {lie foregoing is a true. full. and CoiTecL report of the Fire Depm'Lmen£ and fire <br /> <br />conditions of ............................................'al Fire D i,;~ tier. <br /> <br />Under Section 118-3 of the General Statutes ofNo,'th (;arolina. <br /> <br /> Sworn to and subscribed before me. this .......................................... day of ............ 19 ............ <br /> <br />1, EAL! <br />NO'I'['~: This report can .or be accepted unh~ss sworn lo before :t Notary (.' other officer with Seal. <br /> <br /> <br />