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The Department is experiencing pressing needs for additional staff in two progran areas: the Child <br /> Support Enforcement Program and the Madicar. e Catss_trophic Coverage_.p__rovisious of the Madtr~d Progran for <br /> the elderly and disabled. <br /> <br /> With.thiq bt~lget ahenrhmnt request, w~ are prope~h~g to meet the 'Departmmt's mmaprm~r requirements <br />without additio~al County expense in the current year o~ in subsequent ~ea[s in the follpwing ~y. The <br />(]ttld ,Support Fnforcaaent Program is 'a revenue-gegerattng program %tdeh, in Caba~zus Co~mty. hgg=.the <br />p6ten~ial for producing substantially Increased rsvenues through increased collections. By edd~g twb Child <br />Support Eaforcament Agents II, we um~ld geserats far more revunue than would be needed to meet the local <br />matching funds requireamnts for the two Agents as %~/1 as for three Inc(mm }t3tntenasce Caseworkers II needed <br />in t~e }~d~ Prdgraa. <br /> <br /> The Department's Child Support Enforcement 1~ secures a~ maintains financial support for th~ldres <br />by locati[g absent parents, establishing child support ob~Emtiuns, and enforcing these obligations. The <br />Progrmn saves substantial public assistance cost. (In FY 1987, sere $406,891 in A~]C payments alone were <br />saved.) <br /> <br /> Great ~mphesis has been placed upon this program at the Federal and State levels in recent years. <br />· ~ere [~kq been a dramatic increase in the caseload in the past three years as regulations have mandated that <br />services be made available to non-peblic assistance households and in the pest year as services have been <br />required for families with children receiving P~dicaid. We are currently adding about 40 absent parent <br />cases per month, <br /> <br /> We currently lmve 2287 ehsest parent cases, an average of 572 for each of cur four agents. The maximam <br />omseload recomsended by the State is 325. Becasse of tbe trmnesd6us overload, we are able to provide <br />adequate services to c~ly a portion of the ceseload. We have, for example~ only 927 or 40% of the absent <br />parents under coart order. A State audit of the Pragran in December 1986 cited deficiencies in our <br />esforce~ent efforts and reccameadad addition of ~ to three agents aad one t~ two clerks. We have been <br />able to add only one agent and one part-time clerk since then ~3ugh the essales3 has also grown. We are <br />certain bhat at a minimam, there is a potential for more than doubling the $650,000 in mmual collections ~a~ <br />cu~cently have, provided ~ can add the staff necessary to get the job done. This wi/1 also help assure <br />that we can provide adequate servioes to the corammity. <br /> <br /> Medicaid Provisions of ~kdicare CatastroPhic Coverage <br /> <br /> The second area in which there is a pressing need for additional staff is tbe }t~liesid Program. A <br />major expansion of the Medicaid progran will take place in January 1989 as a result of the Medicare <br />Cat~strophic Coverage ~t of 1988 %ttich was signed into law by President Reagan on July l. Under the <br />provisidns of the Act, elderly and disabled No~dicare redipients whose inccmes are below 80% of the poverty <br />level (graduated to 100% by 1993) esd who have reserves of less tbmn $4000, will be eligible for Medicaid to <br />pay their ~dicare premiums, deductibles and coinsurance. <br /> <br /> The State tins estimate~ that there are approximately 60,000 people in North Carolina not esrrently on <br />b~dicaid M~o will apply and q,m~y for ~tfs new coverage. The Stats estimates that 669 of these persons <br />/ive in Cabarrus Cotmty. (We have 'estimated at the Department that ther~ ~may actually be ~11 over i100 <br />pers°ns potes~-4]]y o3~g~ble .for the new coverage in Cabarrns County.) Our ourrent adult Madi-~{~ casel _o_ad <br />is 1189 persons. If even the State estimate is acCUrate, this Medicaid expansion wrxdd increase the <br />caseload by 56%. (It shmdd be noted that w~ estimqte that perhaps 30% more people will apply than will <br />qualify, making the increase in the workload even more dr~mmtis.) <br /> <br /> 3 <br /> <br /> <br />