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I I <br /> Grassroots Arts Program <br /> Glossary of Terms -.nd Codes <br /> <br /> A. Admissions RevenUl derived from the sale of adm;ssions, tlckets, subscrip- <br /> tions, memberships, ate. for wvents attrib~Jtabla or prorated to the <br /> project. <br /> B. Contracted S ewices Revenue Revenuederivedfromfeesearnedthroughsslesofservices(othar <br /> than this grant request). Include sale of workshops, etc. to other <br /> community organizstlons, government contracts for specific <br /> eervices, performance or residency fees, tuition, etc. <br /> C. Other Revenue Revenue derived frof~ sources other*than those listed in other <br /> lines. Include calais0 sales, edvertisin0 space ;n proorams, <br /> shop income, concess;ons, psrkin9, investment income, etc. <br /> D. Private-quppo~t Cash suppor~ derived from contributions given for this project <br /> (other than this 9rant request) by businesses, corporations, <br /> <br /> propon;onste share of such contributions allocated to this project. <br /> Proceeds from fund*raisin9 events should be listed under Other <br /> Private Supporl. <br /> E. Government SuppoFt Cash suppor~ derived from grants given for this project {other than <br /> this grant request} by agencies of the federal government, state <br /> <br /> share of such Grants allocated to this pfoiect. Please note that no <br /> Council funds may be used to match another Council grant. <br /> E. Applicant Cash Include funds from °'Appl;cent's' present and*or anticipated <br /> resources that °'Applicant" plans to provide to proposed project. <br /> G. GrantAmount Amount requested (in this application) from the North Carolina <br /> Arts Council in support of this project. <br /> H. Total Cash Income The total o! all items A*G must equal or exceed the Total Cash <br /> Expenses oi the proiect. <br /> I. In*Kind The value of goods and services specifically identified with the <br /> pro]ecl which are provided to °'Applicant' by volunteers or <br /> outsider parties at no cash cost to "Applicant."_lr%-J~ind <br /> contributions w~!l need to be documented in subsequent reporting <br /> if a grant is swarded.. ....... <br /> <br />Project Type In each of the groups below, choose the one descripiion that <br /> predominantly applies to the proiect. <br /> <br />G~o~p 1, Group 2 <br />1 Presenting/Sponsoring-- eh§agio0 and 4 aJ~s educlti0n--incr~asing knowledge $ irts~,education--us~ngtheanstotea~, <br /> <br />2 Touring -- pedormance or exhibhion 4B at~s educat~0n -- I~liher education, ad~l~ <br />3 None 0lthe ab=va <br /> <br />Type of Activity Cod a Choose one categoFy which best <br /> describes the project activities: <br /> <br /> O! scquis~;on-eddh~ns tn I collation, such 10 btsl~ut~o~orOsnbation establishment -- 1! repairlrestofltion/consawst;on <br /> pr0ducl~0n development pubt,c~, 24 d~str~but~c)n of iff -- lib~s, pr~nls, b0OLs: <br /> <br /> <br />