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· NORTH CAROL IliA STAT[ O[PARTH[NT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> DIV.ISION OF HIGHI4AYS <br /> S£CONDARY ROAD ADDITION INVEST]GAT]ON R[PORT <br /> <br />County ¢~h~rzus Co. File No. Date, 1-22-87 <br />Tcavnship No. 11 Div. File No. 10.1058< <br /> <br />Local Name Arrc,.,,cx:,d Drive Subdivision Name 601 Industrial Park <br /> <br />Length 1.R10' Width 34' Qurb to CurkType I-1 Condition <br /> <br />]s this a subdivision street subject to the construction requirements for such <br />streets? ~o Recorded ~-21-~5 BoOk 20 , Page 75 & 76 <br />]s this a subdivision street subject to participation paving? Paved <br />Number of hoffes having entrances into road 0 <br />Other uses having entrances into road 3 Businesses <br />Does right-of-way obtained meet present Division of Highways requirement? Yes <br />]f not, why? <br />Js petition (5R-1) attached? <br />Is the County Co~issioners' Approval (5R-2) attached? Yes <br />If not, why? Yes <br />Does the road meet present minimum Division of Highways construction requirements? <br /> <br />If not, state wh~t is needed to place the road in an acceptable maintenance <br />condition under Remarks and Reconnendations. <br />Is a map attached indicating information for reference in locating road by the <br />Planning Oepartment? Yes <br />Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost $ 0.00 <br />Gcade, drain, stabilize $ 0.00 , Drainage $ 0.00 , Other $ 0.00 <br /> <br />Remarks and Reconmendations R~"cxrmended to be added. Meets requ£re~ents <br /> i~ustrla! road. Road h~s t~[ee ]arqe e×is:inq businesses ~ nc)re ]~Js~nes$ <br /> plan for road. <br /> <br />Reviewed and approved <br />Board of lransportation ~ember <br /> <br /> DIVISION ENGINE[R DISTRICT ~tGIN[ER <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space - <br /> For use of Secondary Roads Oept.) <br /> <br /> Petition No. <br /> <br /> (OD not write in this space - <br /> For use of Plannin90ept.) <br /> <br /> <br />