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§ 63-53. Specific pow.ers of m~]-~cipalifies operating <br /> <br /> In ~,~dltion to the general 'p~w~"i.n t~_Article conferred, and without <br /> llr~la,~on there~ e munic~paLiry'wh~h ~ estab.[i~he~, or.may .h.e.~ax*ter <br /> establish airport, re~cric:~d landing areas or other a~r l~avlgatxon facilit~e~l, or <br /> whleh 1~ zcqu~xe~ or set apa~ ex tt~y herea.~cer acquire or set apart teal <br /> property for :~,ch purpose or purposes iq hereby authorized: <br /> (1)To vest authority for the construction, e~l~gement, improvement, <br /> ,~i-~e~.~, equipmenL, apera~ion and regulation thereo£in an o~- <br /> <br /> · car. a board or body of such municipali~ by ordinance or resolutio~ <br /> I which ~h~ll prescribe the power~ and duties of such officer, boasd or <br /> body. The e~pe~Se of such construction, enlargement, improvement, <br /> mainte.~nnre, equipment, operation and regulation shaJl be a respon- <br /> sibility of the municipality. ' <br /> [2) To adopt and ~nent~ all needful rules, reg~datior~ and ordinances for <br /> the m:tr~,gel~eu~., governmen~ anti use oi' any properties under its <br /> con~rol whether within or without the torritoriai limi~ of the munic- <br /> ~.xal~ty; to appoin, airport guarc~ or police with full police powers: to <br /> y ordinance, penaitiels for the violation of said ordinances anti <br /> enforee said penaltie~ in the same manner in which penalties pre- <br /> scribed b.v other ordinances of the raunicipalicy axe etfforced. It <br /> al~o adopt ordinances desigued to sai'eguard the public upon or beyond <br />· . the limits of private a~rports or landing s~rips within ~uch mtmic- <br /> ipality or its police jur~iction, against the perils and ~.~nis of <br /> instr~men-.~LiLie~ u~e~ in aerial navigation. Sur. h ord~nn~ces shall be <br /> publiahed aa provided by general low or the cher~er o£ the munic- <br /> ipality £o~ the publication o£similar ordinances. They must cern'otto <br /> to and be consistent with the laws of'r~i!~ Stat~ and shall be keot in <br /> con~ormky, ae nearly as ma), be, with the then current federal le~isla- <br /> tieu govenain~ aerou~utic~ an~ the tegulatior~ d~ly prnmulg~ted <br /> thereunder ant: rules and standarcts L~ued £tem time co time <br /> thereto. <br /> (3l To lease such absorbs or other air navigation [a~ities. or real property <br /> a~uited or set apa~ for airport purposes, to private parties, to any <br /> municipal Or State govenunent or to the national governmenr~ <br /> any deparunen~ of either thereof, £or operation; to lease to private <br /> panSes, to any municipal or State government or to the national gov- <br /> erament, or any deparnnen~ o[ either thereof. [or opera.ion or use <br /> consistent with the purpos~ o[tlxis A.rticle. space, axe~ L'~provements. <br /> or equipment on such alrpor~; to sell any part of such airport, other - .- <br /> a~r nav~ gatio n. fa c~litiee or real property to any municipal government. <br /> or to .the Umt-~i States or to any departmen~ or tnstrumentality <br /> ,_~eoi. for aera.n~.ur~cal p~rposes or p~rpose~ inck~en'~al thereto, and <br /> to cozUrer the pnvflege~ of concessions o£supplying upon irs airports <br /> goo~. co~r~oditie~, thlpg~, services and facilities: prav~ded that in' <br /> '.. each ~ in ~o doing the public is not deprived olr its rightful, equal. <br /> <br /> (4) 'fo ~11 or le??e .any pr~pe .r~, teal or personal, acquired for airport <br /> pUrl~ e~ oexonging to ,he municipality, whick, in the judgment of <br /> ~ govera~g body, may not be required for a~tenautic purpose~ in <br /> u~ra-~ wix~ r~e laws of,h~ State or the provisious oX' the cluu~r <br /> · "of the z~,ml,-ipa]ity governing the sale or leas~g of similar munic. <br /> .il~aiJy owned property. <br /> <br /> <br />