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ARTICLE 26. <br /> <br /> Collection and Foreclosure of Taxes. <br /> <br /> § 105-349. Appointment, term, qualifications, and <br /> bond of tax collectors and deputies. <br /> la) Appointment and Term. -- The governing body of each county <br /> and municipality shall appoint a tax collector on or before July 1, <br /> 1971, to serve for a term to be determined by the appointing body <br /> and until his successor has been appointed and qualified. Until the <br /> first such appointments are made county and municipal taxes shall <br /> be collected by the tax collectors presently serving under pr or pro- <br /> visions of law. The governing body may remove the tax collector <br /> from office during his term for good cause atter giving him notice in <br /> writing and an opportunity to appear and be heard at a public <br /> session of the governing body. No hearing shall be required, how- <br /> ever, if the tax collector is removed for failing to meet the prerequi- <br /> sites prescribed by G.S. 105-352lb) for delivery of the tax receipts. <br /> Unless otherwise provided by G.S. 105-373, whenever any vacancy <br /> occurs in this office, the governing body Shall appoint a qualified <br /> person to sen, e as tax collector for the period of the unexpired term. <br /> lb) Qualifications. -- The governing body shall appoint as tax <br /> collector a person of character and integrity whose experience in <br /> business and collection work is satisfactory to the governing body. <br /> lc) Bond. -- No tax collector shall be allowed to begin his duties <br /> until he shall have furnished bond conditioned upon his honesty <br /> and faithful performance in such amount a~ the governing body <br /> may prescribe. A tax collector shall not be permitted to collect any <br /> taxes not covered by his bond, nor shall a tax collector be permitted <br /> to continue collecting taxes after his bond has expired without re- <br /> newel. <br /> {d) Compensation. -- The compensalion and expense allowances <br /> of the tax collector shall be fixed by the governing body. <br /> (e) Alternative to Separate Office of Tax Collector. -- Pursuant <br />to Art/cie VI, Sec. 9, of the North Carolina Constitution, the office <br />of tax collector is hereby declared to be an office that may be held <br />concurrently with any appointive or elective office other than those <br />hereinafter designated, and the governing body may appoint as tax <br />collector any appointive or elective officer who meets the persona[ <br />and bonding requirements established by this section. A member of <br />the governing body ora taxing unit may not be appointed tax collec- <br />tor, nor may the duties of the office be conferred upon him. A person <br />appointed or elected as the treasurer or chief accounting officer of a <br />taxing unit may not be appointed tax collector, nor may the duties <br />of the office of tax collector be conferred upon him except with the <br />written permission of the secretary of the Local Government Corn- <br />miss/on who, before giving his permission, shall satisfy himself that <br />the unit's internal control procedures are sufficient to prevent im- <br />proper handling of public funds. <br /> (fl Deputy Tax Collectors. -- The governing body of a count}' or <br />municipality is authorized to appoint one or more deputy tax collec- <br />tors and to establish their terms of oll3ce, compensation, and bond- <br />ing requirements. A deputy tax collector shall have authority to <br />per£orm, under the direction of the tax collector, any act that the <br />lax collector may perform unless the governing body appointing the <br />deputy specifically limits the scope of the deputy's authority. <br /> {gl Oath. -- Every tax collector and deputy tax collector shall <br />take and subscribe the oath set out below and file it with the clerk <br />of the governing body of the taxing unit: <br /> I ............ do solemnly swear (or affirm} that I will support and <br />maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the <br />Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent them- <br />with, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as <br />(deputy) tax collector of the County (City, Town, or other appropri- <br />ate unit of local government) of ............. North Carolina, and that <br />I will not allow my actions as tax collector to be influenced by <br />personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. <br /> <br /> / <br /> <br /> <br />