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~ 105-993 § 105-294 COUNTY [.I.~'FIN(;. APPIIAI.'iAI~ AND A~SR~IN(; OFFICIAI-~ ~ 105-294 <br /> <br /> ,remission. ARTICLE ]6. <br /> <br /> is authorized to exercise ~oHnt)' Listing, Appraisal, and Assessing O~iciMs. <br /> ~ imposed upon it by this <br /> ~ 105-294. County tax supervisor. <br /> dopt such rules and reg- <br /> t mav deem necessary to (a} Appointment. ~ Per~ons occupying the position of count)' a~e~or on <br /> ' ' July 1, 1983, shall continue in office until the first Moaday ia Jnly, 1983. At <br />ing general and specific its first re~lar meeting in July, 1983, and ever)' two years or four years <br />erty, the Department or thereaRer, as appropriate, the ~ard of County commi~ioners of each county <br />~e witne~es under oath shall appoint a county ~e~or to se~'e a term of not less than two nor more <br />nd to examine the docu- than four years provided however, that no person shall be eligible for initial <br />, or taxpayer if there is appointment to a term of more than two years unle~ such person is deemed to <br />t the documents contain be qualified as provid~ in subsection (b} of this s~tion or has been ce~ifi~ <br />~ent's inquiry. Witne~ges by the Department of Revenue as provid~ in subsection (c) of this section. <br />is subsection (cl may be The board of commi~ioners may remove the a~e~r from office during bis <br />su~ivision (c}tl}, belmv, term for go~ cause aRer giving him notice in writiag and an op~rtunity to <br /> appear and be heard at a pubic se~ion of the board. Whenever a vamncy <br />' ~:in acce~ to the docu- occurs in this office the ~ard of county commi~ione~ shall appoint a <br />e Department or any au- qualified per~n to ~e as county asse~or for the period of the unexp r~ <br />~d ~o subpoena witne~es term. <br />:na to be si~ed by the (b) Persons who held the position of tax superior on July 1, 1971, and <br />; or to the person having continue to hold the position, and per. ns who have been ce~ified for appoint- <br />~e se~'~ by any officer merit as tax supervi~r by the Depa~ment of Revenue between July 1, 1971, <br /> and July 1, 1983, are deem~ to ~ qualified to se~'e as county asse~r. Any <br />e to appear; to pr~uce other person sel~ted ~ serve as county asse~o~ nmst meet the following <br />ent or authorized deputy requirement: <br />:ovided in this subsection {1) Be at least 21 years of age as of the date ofap~intment; <br />~ed an~tor imprisoned in (2) Hold a high school diploma or ce~ificate of equivalency, or in the <br /> alternative h~ve five yea~ employment experience in a vocation <br />: Commission shall have which is re~nably related to the dut es ora county ~e~or~ <br />,ceedings by attesting the (3) Within two y~ of the da~ of appointment, achieve a pa~mg ~ore <br /> in co~s~ of ~tmctibn approv~ by the Department of Revenue <br />o~ers, or pr~eedings so <br />this Sta~ with like effect covering the following ~pi~: <br />.... a. The laws ofNo~ C~olina gove~ing the listing, appraisal, and <br />)n, the Depa~ment may ~men~0fpro~rty for ~xation; <br /> b. The th~ ~d practice of ~timating the fair m~ket value of real <br />~mmi~ione~, and county pro~ f~ ~d valorem ~ pu~ses; <br />~ re~ of the appraised ~ The theo~).'~d prac~ce of ~timating the fair m~ket value of <br />in the ~u~ti~, Jtemiz~ ~giblo ~d in~n~ble personal prope~y for ad' valorem ~ <br /> . pu~ and · - <br />~nt may pr~cribe ~e d. Pmpe~y ~ment a~inistration. · <br /> <br />lpprai~l, and ~ent (4) U~h'~mple~on 0f~e r~uir~ four courses, ac~eve e p~ing grade <br />ty t~es, and how the in a ~mpreh'e~ive ~mation in pmpe~y ~x a~inisffation con- <br /> duc~ by th~ Depa~ment or.venue. _ <br />~ ~e Depa~ment may (c) ~fi~tion. ~ Pe~ons m~ting all of~e r~uiremen~ of this section <br />d by t~x supe~iso~ and shall be ~ifi~ by; ~e.Dep~ment of ~venue. From the date of ap~mt- <br />ic kinds and ~gories of ment until ~e da~6f:ce~ificafion, ~ons ap~in~ to se~e as county <br />955; 1951, c. 798; 1971, c. a~r are deem~ ~ ~e.~rving in an actin~ capncity. Any pe~n who fails <br /> to qualify within two years after the dato of mitml ap~intment shall not be <br /> eligible for r~ppoin~ent until all of the requiremen~ have been met. . <br /> (d) In order W ~n the ~tion of county ~e~r, every Eer~n se~mg <br />vs 1973, c. 476, s. 193, el- as county ~r, including those persons d~m~ ~ be qualified under the <br /> provisions of this ack shall, in each ~riod of 24 mon~, at.nd at le~t 30 <br /> hours of-instruction in the apprai~l or ~ment of prope~y ~ provided in <br /> re~lations of the Dep~ment of Revenue. <br /> <br /> 69 <br /> <br /> <br />