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Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners Hatch 12, 1996 <br /> Concord, ~C <br /> <br /> Dear Commieelouers: <br /> <br /> The attached Petition, Chat we ore presenting for your cous[der- <br /> eCiou, asks that we be allowed to use ceDter£1re rifles in Cabarrus <br /> County, east of highway U. S. 52, and is signed by all the landowners <br /> in chis area. <br /> <br /> This area is mostly vooded, and is a t~iangular shaped tract, <br />bordered on the north by Rowan County, on the south by Scanly County , <br />and on the west by highway U. S. 52. <br /> <br /> Since this laud protrudes luto Rowan aud Stanly Counties, and is <br />overpopulated ul£h deer, the hunting regulations have beeu the same a~ <br />the borderiug couuCies for several years including a two-day ~lther <br /> <br /> When the bouudary for deer hunting was moved west from C. S. 52 <br />to [uterstaLe ~5, there was concern expressed about huucers u~iug center- <br />fire rifles in heavily populated areas. As a result~ centerfire fir]es <br />uere bauued for huuting in the entire couuty. <br /> <br /> Sluce this petition meets the approval of ali land owners concerued <br />and since centerfire r£f[es are used on both sides of the area concerned, <br />we ask your kind coosiderat£on and approve! of this request. <br /> <br /> if you have any questions inter, you may contact: <br /> <br /> ~obert C. ~agoner <br /> ?. O. Box [35 <br /> Hlsenheimer~ HC <br /> ?~ne - 704 279 4]25 <br /> <br /> Or <br /> <br /> B. ~ar! Wagoner <br /> Route 3, Box 269 <br /> Saliebut'y, NC 2~164 <br /> Phone - 704 279 4690 <br /> <br /> <br />