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CHAPTER 324 Session Laws---1981 -'%'" <br /> <br /> S. B. 174 CHAPTER 324 ".~"~'="C~,c. ~. GS. <br /> AN ACT TO PROHIBIT DEER HUNTING WITH CENTERFIRE RIFLES .~'~Volu~e 3C of the General <br /> INCAB,-~RRUSCN3UN'I~'. ...'ftord~ "Soll and <br /> The Ge:~eralA.~embly o[IVorth Caroline enuct.~- ~ '-;.: ~Kn ~ n:m men la] <br /> <br /> Coum¥. :.. ]~9-35(eJ"in llne 23 ar Ihe <br /> tess than lilly dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred litO' dollarl [i"-'.¥~ume3CofLheGen~ra SI <br /> <br /> S. B. 297 CHAPTER 325 ~i~tHct~°r"dis[HcC'in <br /> AN AC'I' TO AUTHORIZE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~d 'trmtt~s" in G.S. 139-3 <br /> TO LE...~E THE RIGHT-OF. WAY OF I~rrERSTATE HICHWAY 40 'l't! '.-~o~td', rlespeCiiv~lj,.. <br /> THE CITY OF WINSTON.SALEM FOR A PAHKING FACILITY. :-, *- Bec. ~. G.S. 139-4 <br /> The Get~etal .~s~mbly of A'orth Carolina matts: ~ ~' ~/0~uae 3C of the Oener,t S~ <br /> Section 1. The D~p~r[m[.ni of Transportation ts hereby author[zed m,d ;'~;'~ ~ ~. A new section <br /> <br />Tradr Street and Liberty Street. e~clusive of any railroad right-of-way. Ibr a .~-'"'oS:~ under Pub)lc <br /> <br />opinion ut' the Deparfmem of Transportation such parking fac!lily ~ill ~,, ~,.~0.n, ork o! improvement <br />unreasonably interfere with or impair any property rights And e~emencq of . ~s'a] of work plans by <br />Intestate Nighway 40 nor u~reazoflably interfere with or ~bstruct th~- '~.Tb~Soiland %Valet Co~ <br /> tl~ ..?ri pla~' if, in it~judgne~t. <br /> <br /> In the General .~cmbly read thrc~ tim~ and ratified, t~is the 41.h d~y ~l ~. ~-~-[-'.':;~: ;'~Pmvement; <br />May. 1981. ~.I~2}.S~)OWS. that the con.~ <br /> '! {in co~ <br />S. B. 407 CHAPTER 326 -~.'~,mucttu~ of the <br /> ~ ~.~i.~ ~. no~, or, <br />AN ACT TO TRANSFER WAT£RSHED APPROVAL AUTHORITY FOR f~'.~.~'.'tez~:~in~do,,,.~ir~am <br />WATERSHED WORKPLRNS AND THE USE OF CHANNELIZ-~tTI[)N ~'~'~-~-3't~d~"~rmines wh~tht <br />TO THE SOIL AND WATER OONSERVATION COMMISSION AND 'PO ~- ~.-~'~' ~;f_...~o~oo with <br />C/~.RIIC~'CHAIrFER 1390FTHEGENER. ALSTATUTES. ~ ~.'.~-~'.~:'1 ' , <br /> <br /> Section l. Chaplt. r I39-4(d). as the ~ame appear~ in the 1971t <br /> <br />139-41.1 a~d G.S, 13947." "' '~ ' ;~a[I be ronclusiw <br /> 366 <br /> <br /> <br />