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CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> BUDGET ORDINANCE <br /> FISCAL YEAR 1987-1986 <br /> <br /> BE IT OROAINED by the Board of Commissioners of <br />Cabacrus County, North Carolina, meeting in session this <br />t5th day of June, 1987, that the following fund revenues and <br />departmental expenditures together with certain restrictions <br />and authorizations are adopted. <br /> <br />Section I. General Fund <br /> <br /> A. It is estimated that the following revenues will bo <br />available in the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning <br />July 1, 1967, and ending June 30, 1988. <br /> <br /> Property Tax Current Collections $16,184,800_00 <br /> Federal & State Grants 4,312,100.00 <br /> Fees, Charges, Other Revenues 12, 160,763.86 <br /> Fund Balance Appropriated 41950=000;00 <br /> <br /> TOTAL REVENUES s36,607,663.86 <br /> <br /> B. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in <br />the General Fund for the operation of the county government <br />and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, <br />196/, and ending June 30, 1986. <br /> <br /> Board of Commissioners $ 150,827.00 <br /> County Manager 133,143~34 <br /> Printing 46,409.24 <br /> Tax Collector 193,803.45 <br /> Tax Supervisor 445,566.88 <br /> Board of Elections 170,812.40 <br /> Register of Deeds 311,902.89 <br /> Finance 260 654.48 <br /> Data Processing 402 ?07.95 <br /> Non-Departmental 850 395.55 <br /> Courts 30 554.00 <br /> Kannapolis Library 273 845.15 <br /> Contributions to Other Funds 1,640 000.00 <br /> Schools - Current Expense 7,38? 688.00 <br /> Schools - Capital Outlay 1,900 000.00 <br /> Other Contributions 622 816.00 <br /> Debt Service 1,609 947.50 <br /> Sheriff 2,212 031.75 <br /> Jail 2,531,425.56 <br /> Emergency Management 97,224.93 <br /> Ambulance 802,353.60 <br /> Dog Warden 110,188.70 <br /> Fire Marshal 115,11?.05 <br /> <br /> <br />