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I <br /> <br />.... : · - lng t~se goals. Su~mar~e ~uf organ~zel~o~ p~n~ng p~ess, how ~ur <br /> ..... vvor~ ~ de~e~p the ~ns ~ Your ¢oun~ hcM.~u~ o~a~;zat~n e~lu~teS <br /> <br /> a~ a:c~ntlb~lity . <br /> The Cabarrus County Pa~ks & Recreation Oepar~ent Js dedicated to me,ting the various <br /> leisure needs of the c~tJzens of Cabatrus County. The department strives to meet these <br /> needs ~n ~ ma~or areas: faculties and programs. Facilities are developed bo~h b~ <br /> count. ~nd wJ:h o:her co~unJ:y organizations thraugh a ~LchJng grants program. Programs <br /> are developed to meet the needs that a~ not being served b? other local agencies, public <br /> or private. Needs are ~dent~fJed through;Gontact ~Jth various ~nd~v~d~l~ and groups <br /> the co.unity, surveys, and recent trends ~tth~n the leisure service f~e]~ ~tself. The <br /> dePar~ent has atL~pted to develop a we11~alanced arts prog~ for citizens of all <br /> w~th both v~sual and perTo~Jng arts. The staff 0~ the departmen: along ~(th wrJous <br /> part-time st~ff, volunteers and participants meet the fo]]o~ng man? programs to evaluate <br /> and upgrade services. All Cabarrus .County agencies are governed b~ the local governmen: <br /> fiscal control act~hJch:re~u~re~'~eryaccurate accounting of a]] ~nJes spent and received. <br /> <br /> spec;il population g~ups {e g. people w~th ~is&~l,l;e$. inst;lu~onabled padre, elderly <br /> ~ople) in the a~e~s: p~gtam development (pre,am p~n~ng, im~emenlal;on <br /> <br /> ~catlons. publ;cily elcJ <br /> <br /> The Cabarrus Youth Theatre program has alwa?s been open to any Cabarrus County <br /> youth ages 6 to ~8 . Oue to the fact that ~t ~s open b~ audition, efforts to recruit <br /> are ~de only ~n cJrc~stances ~here a special role ~s unf~l~ed. Acceptance :o thJs <br /> program ~s on the bas~s of talent and appropriateness for a particular sho~. <br /> <br /> From t~me to t~me the theatre perfo~s mustcal reviews ~th selections from <br /> various broad~ay shes. Zn :hese cases, special consideration has been g~ven to'racial· <br /> m~norJtJes for feature nu~ers. However, th~s option ~s not available ~n a straight <br /> broad~ay play. <br /> <br /> ~n regard to audience development, complJmentar~ t~ckets have been ~Jstr~buted <br /> to a nu~er of rest ho~s for the e]der]~ as ~ell as group homes for the mentally and <br /> ph~s~ca]l~ hand~capped. The theatre staff ~orks ver~ closel~ ~th these outside agencies <br /> to meet any specJ&l needs that these groups ~y have such as: special Seating areas for <br /> ~heelcha~rs, seats up front for the hearing ~nd vJsua11~ impaired. <br /> <br /> Ail co~un~cat~ons for the theatre regarding spec~a] populations groups ar~ <br /> handled b~ the ~epar~ent's 5pec~a~ Populations Supervisor. <br /> <br /> <br />