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APPL£CA'i'I. UN FOR ~OHINATIUN <br /> <br /> NAHE OF ~VISOE~ ~/CO~I~/CO~SS~ON TO ~IC~ PERSON IS NOH~NATEO <br /> <br />The tabards County Hoard of Co~isstoners sincere1y appreciates cbe interest of all citizens <br />in County advisory co~tCees and urges the public co nominate qualified persons for membershi{ <br />Nominations may be sent ~o: <br /> <br /> Cabarrus Co~Cy Board of Co~ssioners <br /> Pos: O~[lce Box 707 <br /> Concord, North Caroli~ 28025 <br /> <br />For ~re info~acion, applicants ~y revie~ in the Co~ty ~nager's Office the responsibillcie~ <br />o~ various advisory bodies. <br /> <br />OTHER CO~T~ BO~S/CO~I~EES/CO}~SSIONS P~S~Y SERgING ON: <br /> BOA~, CO~I~EE, CO~ISSION <br /> TE~ E~I~TXON DATE <br /> <br />NOMINEE BACKGROL~4D INFORMATION: <br /> <br />NO. HOURS AVA[L~LE PER ~NTH FOR THIS POSITION <br /> , <br /> <br />~AS OF E~ERTISE ~D INIE~ST/SKILLS <br /> <br /> understand that this application viii be kept. on the active file for <br /> <br /> Signature of Applicant <br /> dj <br /> <br /> <br />