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APPLICATION EOR; . I AltL: .. <br /> <br /> ~A~ O£'A~VlSOR¥ BO~/CO.~TT~/COMMISSIOS TO ~rdlCN P£NSON is NOh~NAT£D ~~ <br /> <br />The Cabar~s ~un~y Board of-~issioners sincerely app~ecia~es the ~n~eres~ o~ ~1 citizens <br />__~_~p~ aSviso~ co~t~tees ~d urses the pubZi¢ ~o no~ina~e qualified persons ~or ~abersh~[ <br /> ~omina~lons ~y be sene Co; <br /> <br /> Cabar~s ~y Board of ~ssioners <br /> Pose O~Iice lox 707 <br /> ~ncord~ Horth Carolina 28025 <br /> <br /> For ~re ~fo~ioa, applican~s ~y revte~ ~ ~he ~cy ~nager~s Office ~he respoasibllitie! <br /> of various advisozy bodies. <br /> <br /> BO~, ~i'I'I'~Es CO~SSION <br /> TE~ ~I~TION DATE -~ <br /> <br /> NOMINEE BACKGROUND INFOP. HATION: <br /> BUS'ESS ADD'SS ZIP CODE <br /> <br /> I ~ers~and that ~hi~applIcatlon ~111 be kep~. on ~e active E~le for <br /> t~o years on1~. <br /> <br /> Signature of Applicant <br /> <br /> <br />