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The Bosrd of Co~s~issioners for the County of C~barrus ~et in <br />,e~ulsr session st the County Courthouse in Concord, North Csroline, on <br />Honday, June 16. 1986~ et 7:00 P.N. <br /> ~resent - Ch~tr~an~ Jz~es W. Lents <br /> Commissioners: Kenneth F. ~syne <br /> ~illiam G, ~y, Jr. <br /> Archie ¥. Bernhardt <br /> ltarcelle H. Upright <br /> The invocation vas Riven by Hr. Rickard Rodgers~ immediate past <br />President of the Kannapolis Chamber of Commerce. <br /> UPON NO~ION of Commissioner Upright, seconded by Commissioner Pa)me <br />· nd unanimously carried, the minutes of June 2, 5, 9, and 10, 1986, vere <br />approved as ~rrttten. <br /> Hr. Charles D. Hc6irmis, County Hansger, reported that Hr. Ralph <br />Johnston, Jr., educational representative on the Centralina Private <br />Industry Council, had indicated his villingness to continue to serve on <br />that Council. Hrs. Hargaret Hoses, the private sector representative on <br />the Private Industry Council ~nd the current President of the Concord/ <br />Cabarrus County Chamber of Commerce, vas present at the meeting and <br />declined reappoint~en~ to the Council. The Board asked that Hrs. Hoses <br />submit a recommendation from the Chamber o~ Co~erce for appointment to <br />the Private Industry Council. <br /> UPON HOTION of Commissioner Up~lght, seconded by Commissioner Payne <br />and unani~ously carried, the Board reappointed Hr. Ralph Johnston,' Jr., <br />to the Centralina Private Industry Council es the educational represen- <br />tative for a term of t~o years'ending June 30, 1988. <br /> Comis$ioner ~pright nominated Hs.~Hillie Al~ond.forreappoint~ent <br />to the Region Y Emergency Hedlcal Services Advisory'Council.-' Co~isstoner <br />Bernhardt nominated Hr. Steve Cook for appointment to'the'Advisory <br />Council to fill the position currently held by Hr. Jim lllison. Hr. <br />Allison had indicated to Hr. B. H. Habrey, Sro, E~ergency Services <br />Director, that he did not vtsh to be reappointed to this position. <br /> UPON ~OTIO~ of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br />unanimously carried, nominations to the Region Y Emergency Hedtcal <br />Services Advisory Council vere closed. <br /> The Board reappointed Hs. Htllie Almond and appointed Hr. Steve <br />Cool to the ~egion ~ Emergency ~edical Servicts ~vlsory [ouncil tot a <br />term ot tvo years <br /> <br />and unanimously carried, the ~oard appointed Ha. Lillian Goodman to the <br />Concord Planning and Zoning Co, lesion as the extraterritorial Juris- <br />dictional ~ber for a term of three years ending June 30, 1989. <br /> UPON HOTION of Co~issioner Pa)me, seconded by Commissioner Bernhardt <br />and unanimously carried, the Board by resolution approved the addition <br />of Yrttzvon Drive to the State road system. <br /> UPON HOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner ~amby end <br />unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing for 7:00 P.H. on <br />Tbursday, July 10, 198§, for the naming of an unnamed road to Dileen <br /> <br /> <br />