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.LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION <br /> 325 North Salisbury Street <br /> Raleigh, North Carolina 27811 <br /> <br /> Telephone (919) 733-3064 <br /> <br /> GENEBAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING APPLICATION <br /> FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF GENEBAL OBLIGATION BONDS <br /> <br /> ENCLOSURES <br /> <br /> LCC-107 Li~t of Documents to be filed w/th the Local Government Commission <br /> LOC-J08 Application for Approval of Issuance of General Obligation Bonds <br /> LGC-108A Selected F/seal Information ~ Certified by the Finance Officer <br /> LGC-108B Capital Budget and Related Information <br /> LCC-108C Projec~on of Water and Sewer Net Re','enuos (included only fl proposed bonds are for <br /> water or sewer purposes). <br /> <br /> LGC-108DProiec~on o~ Enterpr~e Net Hevenue (included only i~ proposed bond~ are for enter- <br /> prise~ other than water and sewer). <br /> LGC-109 Preliminary Statement ol Debt. <br /> <br /> CE~qEBAL <br /> <br /> The Local Government Bond Act (Article 4 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes) states those <br />.:_!pr y,~hich g_~neml_obl/gatio_n b~.n_~ n~y:..be_ ~9~e~:l~ _an_drsets~_.rt~. pL_o~ed~r~ to be foUowed in authorizing <br /> <br /> be marketed. Bond-Goun~l~:~'avids~txaf~ of4he-~s~io0~ notie~:bond~rder~nd other~l~roceed~ng~:::~-" <br /> end furnhh a calendar.tgbefollo~ed th~o~,h0~t ell th.e.p _.r0oeed~ngs~T.~o_l~f.d. pc~me~ (LGC-10?~ <br /> be filed with the l~ocal. C, overnment, Commi~ion e,e~.~orth~the ptinclpal-s~p~...t6~tekeu-_in ~ufl~or~ng -- .. <br /> and issuing bonds' and~an'.be ~ed_in develop/~g e-c~lend~rA~:conjuneUon,with:bond coomnl:~-- .... - .... <br /> <br /> '-The "Applicafion'fo~Approval :o~ th~ Issoar~e bf General Obligation Bonds":must befiled w/th'and:a~ <br /> cepted ~'or submi.uion to the Local Government Commixsion pr/or to or at the ss-me time the bond order is <br /> introduced by the governing body. If voter approval of the bond~ Iz required, ten days m~t ehp~e after <br /> publication of the Notice of Intent to file an application before the CommL~ion may ncknowledge fil~ng <br /> the application. In evidence nf the publication oI Notice o! Intent, a publl~heFs affidavit with clipping <br /> required. Only one copy of the application and its attachments is required to be filed ,~th the Commission. <br /> <br /> PRE-FILING OR PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE <br /> <br /> T_h~ Svcretarv o~' the Commh~ion ms.y require the~overning body or its representative to attend, e, <br /> prelimin~rv ~o~ference to cor~ider the proposed bondi~ue. Th~ is no[necessary in all cases; h6wever, <br /> before any nf the pro~:~din~s are b~gun or the s~oplicatlon fil ~e~_ ~ determin~tian ~hould be made <br /> y,'h~her a confarerr~e i~ required. A conference i~ useful both to the unit of government and to the CommL~- <br /> sion to resolve question~ that might arise st n later date and could delay or prevent the authorization or sale <br /> nf thc bonds. <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY <br /> <br /> Thc governing body should adopt a resolution making necessary finding~ relating to proposed bonds, <br /> authorizing filing of the application with the Commi~ion and designating authorized representative. Th~ <br /> resolution is not required b)' the Local Government Bond Act and such resolution dratt will no~ be for- <br /> nishcd by the unil'z bond coumel. While not required, the Commi~ion iecls that filing af the application <br /> ~hould ~akc pl~ce es a result of deliberation and action nf the governing bed)'- The resolution will supple- <br /> <br /> <br />