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~he Board of ~om~lssioners for the ~ounty of Caberrvs ~t in <br /> regular session at the County Courthouse in Concord) North Carolina) on <br /> Honday, June 16, 1956, st ?sOO P.N. <br /> Present - Chairman: Jinxes W. Lentz <br /> Commissioners: Kenneth P. ~ayne <br /> William G. gsmby, Jr. <br /> Archie Y. Bernhardt <br /> Marcelle N. Upright <br /> The invocation vas given by Hr. Ricksrd Nodgers, immediate past <br /> President of the Kennapolis Chamber of Co~nerce. <br /> UPON NOTION of Commissioner Upright, seconded by Commissioner Pa)me <br /> and unanimously carried, the minutes of June 2, 5) 9) end 10, 1986, were <br /> approved as ~ritten. <br /> Mr. Charles D. NcGinnis, County Nsneger, reported that Hr. Ralph <br /> Jol~nston, Jr., educational representative on the Contralina Private- <br /> Industry Cotmcil, had indicated his willingness to continue to serve on <br /> that Council. Mrs. Nargaret Noses, the private sector representative on <br /> the Private Industry Council smd the current President of the Concord/ <br /> Cabarrus County Chamber of Comn~rce, was present et the meeting and <br /> declined reappoin.t~.ent to the Council. The Board asked that Nfs. Noses <br />........ submit.-e-reco~mnendat-ion~rom-tbe r~er n~ ~a,,~p~ce.for appoin~_ment ~o <br /> the Private Industry Council. <br />'- - b?ONNOTlONYof~Comissioner£Uprtght~:seconded--by-Commissione~-Palme <br /> and una~imously cafried,-:the Boird~r~sppointed Nr,~Ralph ~o.hnston,~r., <br /> to the-Centralina:Private:Indust¥~-cotmcil-as-the-educationalrepresen- ' <br /> tative.~or a-term o~-two-years;endin~. ~une 30~-1988 ....... <br /> Commissionef'gpright noiinated Ns. Nellie llmond~for reappoint~nt' <br /> to the Regio~ ~-E~ergencyNedical Services,Advisory Council.., Commissioner <br /> Barnhard~no~inated.Nr.-Steve'Cook fo~;e~intmen~-to.the Advisory~ <br /> Council--to-~ill-the position currently.held by Hr~. Jim tllison. Nr. <br /> tllison had indicated to Mr. B. ~. Habrey, Sr.~ ~ergency Services <br /> Director, that he did not wish to be reappointed to this position. <br /> UPON NOTION of Chairman Leotz, seconded by Comnissioner Pa)me and <br /> unanimously carried, nominations to the Region Y F~ergency Nedical <br /> Services Advisory Council were closed. <br /> The Board reappointed Ns. Nellie Almond and appointed Nr. Steve <br /> Cook to the Keiion · ~mergency Medical Servicis [~v-l-g~ Codncil lot a <br /> t-~r~ Ot two years <br /> urua ~uTION-&f'C6i~'i's-si~ner B~hardt,' seconded by Chai'rman Lentz ..... <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Ns. Lilltan Goodman to the <br /> Concord Planning and Zoning Co~ission as the extraterritorial ~uris- <br /> dicttonal member for a term of three years ending June 30~ 1989. <br /> UPO~ NOTION of Co~issioner Pa)me, seconded by Co~issioner Barnhardt <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board by resolution approved the addition <br /> of Pritzvun Drive to the State road system. <br /> UPON HOTION of Chairman Lentz~ seconded by Co~issioner Ba~by and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing for 7:00 P.N. on <br /> Thursday, July 10, 1986, for the naming of an unnamed road to Dileen <br /> <br /> <br />