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I <br />· 11. Cas~Needs . . <br /> <br /> Please eslimate the amount of Gras~oots funds reques2ed which <br /> v..oulC[ be spent on this project(s) durin8 e~ch quarter. <br /> <br /> Jan uar~,-6.~ar~cl:j ~S ~ April.June $ ~.7~.00 <br /> Jul),-Sept. $ J.~':~ o uu October. December. 00 <br /> <br /> 12. DL~cuss~on v,~th Arts Council <br /> <br /> v~ e ha~.e discu,.,sed this proposal with <br /> <br /> Local arts c.~u ncil (if apRli~:able): <br /> name_ rran Tomllrl <br /> tide Fxecutive O~i rect;or <br /> <br /> North Carolina Aris Council: <br /> name <br /> title <br /> <br /> 13. Checklist <br /> X Applicant Information complete <br /> ~. Project{s) Summary complete . <br /> X Project Descriplion~ Complete for each projecl <br /> X Discipline antS Type of Activil), Codes co~'r ect <br /> X Project Budgets complete for each project <br /> X Atlachments complete <br /> ~ Local are. council contacted (if applicable} <br /> North Carolina Arts Council (:ommunity Develop-- <br /> rnenl Section contacted <br /> __ Certification sisnatures complete <br /> __Duplicate copies submitted to North Carolina Aris <br /> Council <br /> <br /> 14. Compliance Regulations <br /> <br /> Tille VI of the Rights Ac~ of 1964. Section 50~ of the <br /> Rehabilitation Act of '1973. and. where applicable, l~tle IX of the <br /> Educat;on Amendments of 1972. which bar discrimination on the <br /> basis of race, color° nalional origin, handicap,or sex. Organizations <br /> must also compl), w~th the Fair Labor 51andards Act which pro~'~des <br /> minimum compensation to emplo)'ees and must manage anyfunds <br /> received in accordance v.~lb O/riB Circular A-102 for administrati~.e <br /> requirements and v,~lh the applicable one o! the follov,-~ng OMB <br /> <br /> 122 fo~ nonprofit organizations, or A-21 for colleges and <br /> <br /> 15. Certification <br /> <br /> seriously hinder the consideration of this application. We certify <br /> t hat we are commined to t he comple~ion ohheproposed project(s) <br /> and Ibat the information contained in this applicatlon including all <br /> <br /> of om ~nowredge. <br /> <br /> Signature of -~ut hot;zing Official Date <br /> {item 8 in Appiicanl In[o~malion above} ~ <br /> <br /> .,.~.~lu*~ol P~oject Dhecto* <br /> <br /> <br />