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/~~ ~ Cabarrus County Health Department. , <br /> Febx'uaPy 12~ 1985 <br /> <br /> TO: Chamles HcGinnis <br /> FROH: Bob Famis <br /> R~; Yesi~ility Study (Resource Recovery) <br /> <br /> By unanimous vote, the ResouPce RecovePy Com~ittee selected <br /> the fifo of Camo DPesse~ McKee to conduct the fesibility study fop <br /> ResoUrCe Recove-~Py (burning of solid waste to p~'oduce steam and <br /> electPicity) in CabamPu~ County. The fee cha~ged was low bid at <br /> _ $1g~0. We now need to p~esent this to the Co~ission fop thei~ <br /> info~matlon and approval of payment. <br /> <br /> Sincerely. <br /> <br /> Bob Fa~%"is, R. S. <br /> Caba~us County Health DepaPtment <br /> <br /> <br />