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I <br /> C. It is f~thef~mu~ueJly aRteed ~tv..~en the S,~llef ~J~d the Purchaser as follows: <br /> (see Attach. No. 3) , <br /> !. ~e~ of Con~ac0 That tM~conl~act ~all e~tead ~o~ m lea of. fire (5) yea~s Imm the da~e of (he initial <br />de)ive~ of ~y ~atet ms sho~ by ~e Ei~st bill su~mltted ~ the Selle~ Io the Pu~c~asel ~d, ~e~ea(le~ may ~ ~ene~ea <br />ezten~d ~o~ su~ ~e~, ot learns, ms may be mg~d u~n by lhe Selle~ ~d Pu~cbase~. <br /> <br /> 2. (Delive~ of Water) That ~ days ~fiof to ~e estimated ~le o[ comple%n of construction of ~e <br />Purchasers water supply dis~dbullon system, the Purchaser will notify t~e Seller in ~itin~ ~e date for ~e initial delive~ <br />of <br /> <br /> 3. (Water for Testing) When ~equested ~ the Purchaser the Seller ~-ill ma~e available to ~e conhactot a~ <br /> point of deliver, ot othe~ point xea~nably close there., water sufficient tot testin~ [tusMn~ and ttencE fillinK ~e si'stem <br /> of t~e Purchaser du~ing const~ction, inesp~live of ~hethet the metetin~ equipment has ~en installed at that ~me. <br /> <br /> fiat cbat~e o{ $ ~. rate wMcb ~Hi ~ pa~d by t~e contractor or. on his failure to pay. by the Purchaser. <br /> <br /> 4. {Failure to Deliver) That the Seller ~ll, al gl times, opeate ~d maiMa~n its ~'stem in ~q e{ficient m~net <br />and ~ill ta~e such action as may be n~es~ty to futM~ t~e Purchaser ~t~ quantilles of ~'ale~ sequit~ by the ~chaset. <br />Temporal' ot palpal failures to deliver walet s~all be remedied ~th all ~ssible dispatch. In the eveM o~ ~ extended <br />shortage of water, ot the supply o[ water available to the Seller is o~et~se aiminished over a~ extend~ period of time. <br />t~e ~pply o[ ~'atet to Purchaser's consumers ~all ~ teduc~ ot dimini~ed in tee ~me ratio ot proportion as the supply <br />Sellers consumers is teduc~ ot dim~ni~ed. <br /> <br /> 5. (Modificalion of Contract) That t~e provisions of tMs coMtact pertaining to ~e schedule of sates to ~ paid by <br /> <br /> the Purc~ase~ fo~ wale~ delivered a~e subj~l lo ~odificali~ at the ~d ~ e~'eO. one yea~ period. Any increas~ or <br /> dec,ease in rates shall ~ based on a demonstrable increase ot dec,ease in tee costs of performance hereunder, <br /> <br /> altered by mutual agreement. <br /> <br /> 6. (Regulato~ AKencies) That ~his con~act is subjecl to such rules, ~e~lafions, ot Inws as may be applicable <br /> to similar a~te~en~s in Ibis State and t~e Selle~ ~d Pu~chase~ will colla~tate in o~tainin~ such pe~mlts, ce~ti[icates, ot the <br /> like, as cay be tequi~e~ to comply' thezewith. <br /> <br /> 7. (~i~ellan~us) That the construction of the water supply distribution s~.ste~ by the Purchaser is bein~ financed <br /> by a loan =adc of insufe~ by, ~d.*ot a grant [fom, the Unite~ States of America, acfin~ thfou~ the Fafnefs Home <br /> lion of the Unife~ Stales Depa~ent o( Rg~icultuze, and the provisions ~ef~{ pe~iainin~ to the unde~takin&s of fhe Purchaser <br /> <br /> B. {Successor to the Pmchase0 That in the event o[ ~y oc~ence ~endefia{ the Pufehasef incapable of pe~- <br />fofmie& ua~ef this cont{art, ~)' successor of the Pufchasef, ~.hethef ~e zesult o[ legal process, assi~nent, of othelwise, <br />shall succeed to the tights o{ the Pufchasef be{eundet. <br /> <br /> g. The terms of paragraph fi4 above apply to any d~saster, natural or othe~ise <br />that ma~ render the seller unable to provide an adequate supply of potable ~ater. It <br />~s the ~ntent of the seller to provide normal service es soon as ~ss~ble after an~ <br />~nterrupt~on ~n the delivery of ~ater. <br /> <br /> 10. ~s ~ntract ~s hereb~ pledged to the Un,ted States of ~er~ca acting <br />through the Fa~ers Xome Administration as part of the security for a loan from the <br />United States of ~erica. <br /> <br /> <br />