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NORTH CAROLINA STATF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> ~ ~ DiVISiON OF H1GtlWAYS 4 <br /> S[CONDARY ROAD ADDITION ]NV£ST]GATION REPORT <br /> <br /> . ;.~::' <br /> <br />County _£',l~',rr-*::: Co. File No. Bate P-19-F~5 <br /> <br />Township I;o. ~, __ Div. File No. lo.qgs-c_ <br /> <br />Local Name J~m::ica Road · Subdivision Name Frank Stepleto~ <br /> <br />Length __~'~'~,?, '~? Width _ 2q'____ Type 'STBC_~_ Condition <br /> <br />Is this a subdivJs{on street suhje'ct to the construction requirements for such <br />str~,ets? y~:: _ Recorded ~-2q-5~ Book 11 Page_ 72 <br />Is this a subdivision street subject to participation paving? <br />Nu~er of homes having entrances into road <br />Other uses baying eutrances into road IJone <br />Does right-of-way obtained meet present Division of Highways req.irement? <br />If not, why? ~quir,- P.5' ~,idit. i(~l:.l R/~.I ,~ch nidc of rand. <br />IS petition (SR-1)attached? y~ <br />Is the County Com,issioners' Approval (SR-2) attached? Yes <br />If not, why? <br />Does the road meet present minimum Division of Highways construction require~nts? <br /> <br />If not, state what is needed to place the road in an acceptable maintenance <br />condition under Remarks and Recom~ndations. <br />Is a map attached indi(.ating info~ation for reference in locating road by the <br />Planning Department? Yen <br />Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost S ~.o0 <br />Grade, drain, stabilize S ~.F~ , Drainage S o.~ , Other S <br /> <br />Remarks and Reco~m~endations ~-r~,,r,,-'.,,d~,i tn hA nddPd ~tPPPt <br /> <br />Reviewed and approved <br />Board of Transportation Member <br /> <br />Reviewed and approved · '/'' - . o .... <br /> DIVISION ENGINEER DISTRICT ENGINEER <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space - <br /> For use of Secondary Roads Dept.) <br /> <br /> Petition No. <br /> <br /> (Do not write in this space - <br /> For use of Planning Dept.) <br /> <br /> <br />