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'67 § 160A-268 CH. 16oA. errl~s AInu ~O~VNS § 160A-270 ('{ qq '~j ' <br /> § ]60A-268. Advertisement for sealed bids. <br /> The sale of prepert¥ by advertisement for seeied bids shah be done in the <br /> manner prescribed by' la~,' for the purchase of property, except that in the case <br /> of real proPerty the advertisement for bids shah be begun not less then 30 days <br /> before the date fixed for opening bibs. 11971, c. 698, m. 1.) <br /> <br />C. § 160A-269. Negotiated offer, advertisement, and upset <br /> bids. <br />a A city may receive, solicit, or negotiate an offer to purchase property and <br />n advertise it for upset bids. When an offer is made and the cOuncil proposes to <br />· Y accept it, the council shall require the offeror to deposit five percent (5%) of his ~.. <br />~' bid with the city clerk, and shall publish a notice of the offer. The notice shall <br />2 contain e !general description of the property, the amount and terms ofthe offer, <br /> and a notice that within 10 days any person ma)' raise the bid by not less than <br />~ ten percent (10%} of the first one thousand dollars ($1,000} and five percent <br />· (5%1 of the remainder. When a bid is raised, the bidder shall deposit with the <br />~I city clerk five percent {5%) of the increased bid, and the clerk shall readvertise <br />· - the offer at the increased bid. This procedure shall be repeated until no further <br />I qualifying upset bids ere received, st which time the council may accept the <br />r offer and sellthe property to the highest bidder. The council may at any time <br />; reject any and all offers, i1971, c. 691{, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Seas., c. 1247, s. 253 <br /> <br /> § 160A-270. Public auction. <br /> (a) Reel Property. -- When it is proposed to sell real property at public <br /> auction, the council shall first adopt a resolution authorizing the sale, <br /> describing the property to be sold, specifying the date, time, place, and terms <br /> of sale, and stating that an)' offer or bid must be accepted and confirmed by the <br /> council before the sale will be effective. The resolution may, but need not, <br /> require the highest bidder at the sale to make a bid deposit in a specified <br /> amount. The council shall then publish a notice of the sale at least once and <br /> not less than 30 days before the sale. The notice shall contain a general <br /> description of the ]and sufficient to identify it, the terms of the sale, and a <br /> reference to the authorizing resolution. After bids have been received, the <br /> highest bid shall be reported to the council, and the council shall accept or <br /> reject it within 30 days thereafter. If the bid is rejected, the council may <br /> readvertise theproperty for sale· <br /> (b) Personal Property. -- When it is proposed to sell personal property at <br /> public auction, the council shall at a regular council meeting adopt a resolution <br /> or order authorizing an appropriate city official to dispose of the property at <br /> public auction. The resolution or order shah identify the property to be sold and <br /> set out the date, time, place, and terms of the sale. The re~lution or order (or <br /> a notice summarizing its contents) shah be published at leaet once and not less <br /> than 10 days before the date of the auction. ¢1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. <br /> 43.) <br /> <br /> CASE NOTES <br /> <br /> 349 <br /> <br /> <br />