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DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT EN.GINEER/' <br /> RALEIGH 2'/611 ~ DIVISION lO .-' <br /> <br /> JAMEsG. MARTIN ~r]] 24~ 1985 <br /> GOVERNOR <br /> <br />JAMES E. HARRINGTON <br />SECRETARY <br /> <br /> I~F_~RA~DU~t TO: Divts~mt and O~ <br /> FROH: Jack ~rdoclc <br /> Secondary <br /> <br /> SUBJECT: Pmperty ~s' Partlclp~tton ~te Revtston <br /> It has been ~elve %ea~ since the P~perty ~ne~' Participation <br /> rate required of property ow~rs for pavtng unpaved subdivision~resi- <br /> dential t~pe ~ads was Increased. Prior to 1973, the rate ~as 51.50 <br /> pea foot along each side of the mad or 53.00 per centerllne foot. <br /> 1973, ~e' cost was changed to $2.00 per f~t along e~ch stde or 54.00 <br /> per centerltne foot. <br /> <br /> Zn 1973, the cost to pave a mfle of unpaved subdivision type mad <br /> was appmxtma~ly 540,000. Thts was due to the mad betng graded, drained, <br /> etc., prtor to being placed on the S~te System. The $4.00 per centerl~ne <br /> foot charged lando~ne~ after 1973 represented approximately one-half the <br /> cost. <br /> <br /> At ~e present tt~e, the cost to pave an unpaved 'subdivision t~pe <br /> mad has Increased to approximately $~,~. Thts too is taking tnto <br /> consideration no gradtng or drathtng belng necessary. The ~o~nt <br /> 5econ~ Roads and ~lntenance and Equtp~nt C~tttee voted to ~ncrease <br /> ~e property owne~' cost from SZ.O0 per foot on each stale of a road or <br /> 54.00 per centerHne foot to $4.~ per foot along each s~de of the road <br /> or 58.00 per centerllne foot. Thts would represent approximatel~ one- <br /> half '~e cost of pavtng an unpaved subdivision t~pe ~ad at today's cost. <br /> Thts ~ould be consistent ~1~ requiring the propertx owners to furnish <br /> approxtma~ly oqe-half the cost as tn 1973. <br /> <br /> All ~fsttng cases ~hem ~e ~ount of funds of $~.00 per centerlfne <br /> foot has been gtven to pmpertx owne~ and an indication fr~ ~ the~ <br /> are acttvely collecting ~e funds ~qut~d ~11 be "grandfathered." This <br /> tncludes ongoing assessments fr~ ~e County Co~tsstone~ on any of these <br /> <br /> An Equal Oppodu nJly I Mli~miliVl N:llon Employer <br /> <br /> <br />