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FomlFmHA 1942-47 . . LOA ,..~. ~t, uI.J , OMBNO. O~S-O01$ <br /> <br /> ARESOLUTIONOF'I~IE -BOARD OF COH~ISSIOHERS ' <br /> <br /> OFTH£ ~ATER AND SE~;R'D~ISTRICT OF CA]~,RRUS COUNTY <br /> AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE INCURP~NCE OF IND£BT]EDNESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A <br /> PORTION OF THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, ENLARGING, IMPROVING, AND/OR EXTENDING 1TS <br /> <br /> Water Service Faeilitien <br /> FACILITY TO sERVE AN AREA LAWFULLY WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION TO SERVE. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Water and Sewer District of Cabarrus County [Public Bod),) <br /> <br />(herein after railed association) to raise a portion of the cosl of such uudertaking by i~uance of its bonds in ~he principal amount of <br /> Seven Hill:ton Two Hundred Seventy-One Thousaud Dollars (~7,27i~000.00) <br /> <br />pursuant to lhe prov!slons of. N.C. General Statutes <br />WHEREAS, the association intends to obtain aLsisiance from the Farmers Home Adminht~ation, United States Department of Ayicul- <br />lure, (herein called the Government) acting under the provisions of the Consolidated Farm and Ru~l Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1921 <br />et seq.) in the planning, financing, and supen, igon of such undertaking and to purchasing of bonds hwfully issued, in the event that no <br />other acceptable purchaser for such bonds is found by the association: <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises the association hereby resolves: <br /> 1. To have prepared on its behalf and to adopt an ordinance or resolution for the issuance of its bonds and containing such <br /> items and in such forms are requbed by STATE statutes and as are agreeable and acceptable to the Government. <br /> 2. To refinance the unpakl balance, in whole or in part, of ils bonds upon the request of thc Government if at any time <br /> il shall appear to the Govemmenl that the association is able to refinance its bonds by oblainlng a loan for such purposes <br /> frmn responsible coopetati'.'e or private sources at reasonable rates and terms for loans for sinli]ar purposes and periods <br /> of time as required by section 333(c) of said Consolidated Farm and Rural Dcveinpment Act (7 U.S.C. 1983(c)). <br /> 3. To provide for, execute, ?nd comply with Form FmHA 400-4, "Assurance Agreement"; and Form FmHA 400-1, "Equal <br /> Opportunity Agreen~ent", including an "]Equal Opportunity Clause", which clause is to be incorporated in, or attached <br /> as a rider to, each construction contract and subcontract involving in cxcess of S]0,O00. <br /> 4. To indemnil'y the Govemmenl for any payments made or losses suffered by the Government on behalf of the association. <br /> Such indemnification shall be payable from the same source of funds pledged to pay the bonds or any other legal per- <br /> missile source. <br /> 5. That upon default in Ihe paymenl$ of any principal and accrued inteies~ on the bonds or in ~he performance of any cov- <br /> cnam or agreenlcnt contained herein or in the instruments incident to making o~ insuring the loan, the Govemnment at <br /> its option may (a) declare the emim principal arnount then outstanding and accrued interest immediately due and pay- <br /> able, (b) for the account of the association (payable from the source of funds pledged to pay the bonds o~ any other <br /> legally permiss~le source) incur and pay reasonable expenses for repai~, maintenance, and operatibn of the facility and <br /> such other reasonable expenses as may be necessary to cure the cause of default, and/or (c) take posse~on of the facility, <br /> repair, maintain, and operate or rent it. Default under theprovisions of this Resolution or any instrument incident to the <br /> making or insuring of the loan may be conslrued by the Government to constitute default under any other instrument <br /> held by the Governmen! and executed or assumed by the Association, and default under any tach instrument may be <br /> construed by the Government to constitute default hereunder. <br /> 6. Not to sell, lransfer, lease, or otherwise encumber the facility or any portion thereof, or interest therein, not permit <br /> others to do so, without the prior written consent of the Government. <br /> 7. Not to borrow an)' money from any somce, enter into an)' contract or agreement, or incur an)' other liabilities in con- <br /> nection with making enlargemems, improvements ot extensions to, ot for any other purpose in connection wi[h the <br /> facility (excluske of normal maintenance) without the prior written consent of the Government if ~ch undert eking would <br /> im'oh'e the source of funds pledged to pay the bonds. <br /> g. To piece the proceeds of the bonds on deposit in an accounl and in a manner approved by the Government. Funds may be <br /> deposited in institutions i, suted by the State or Federal Government or invested in readily marketable securities backed <br /> by the full faith and credit of the United States. Any income from these accounts wilt be considered as revenues of the <br /> system. <br /> 9. To comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and tegu]asions and to continually operate and maintain the facility <br /> in good condition. <br /> 10. To provide for the receipt of adequate revenues to meet ~he requh'ements of debl service, opetalion and maintenance, and <br /> the establishment of adequate reserves. No free sen'icu or u~' of the facility will be p~rmitted. <br /> I 1. To acquire and mainlain such insurance coverage including fide!try bonds as may be requited by the Government. <br /> 12. To establish and mainlain such books and records relating to the operation of the facility and its Fro;racial affairs and to <br /> provide for required audit thereof in such a manner as may be required by the Government, lo provide the Government <br /> will,ut ils rcq~uest, a cop)' of each ~ch audit, and to make and forward to thc Governmenl such addilional information <br /> and reports as tt ma)' front time to lime requite. <br /> <br /> <br />