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I <br /> <br /> UNITI~D STATES D.~.PARTM~T OF AGRICULTURe: <br /> Fora F~ 4~-1 <br /> ~. ~) F~ME~ HOME ADMIN~TION <br /> EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGREEMENT <br /> <br /> l~ater & Se~er District of Cabarrus County <br /> <br />(~gein cMl~ "Recipi~t' wbMhe~ one o~ ~re) ~d the F~me~s ~me Admlnls~agon, United S~tes D~adm~t of <br />Alrl~tu~e, Pursuit to the ~les and ~eg~sti0ns of the $~eti~ of ~r ~e~eln c~led the ~c~etary~) issued unde~ t~ <br />sut~ty o[ E~utlve O~de~ 11246, as am~d~, ~tnesseth: <br /> la coasideragon o[ financial assistance (w~eiher by a lo~ Igat, loan guilty, o~ Other fora of finsnclal assistance) <br />made or to be made by t~e Fsmers Home Admlnist~ation iQ R~ipient, Recipient hereby a~ees, i~ Ihe cash ~st o[ construction <br />~k pe~[o~ed by R~i~ient o~ s constmc~oa ~nt~act fin~c~ ~th suc~ fia~cial assistance ~c~ds $10,~-~less <br />exempt~ by roles. ~egMati0as or o~ders of the S~et~y o~ ~a~ i~ued persu~t to Section 2~ of Ex~utiw Or,er 11246 <br />S~tember 24~ 19~. <br /> L To info, rate o~ cau~ to be in~rat~ into ~y Contm~ fog c~nstmc~oa ~rk, og mo~fication Iher~[. <br />to the ~levant roles, ~eg~atioas. and o~d~s of the S~et~y or o[ any p~ior autMdty that ~emaln gu eff~t, which is <br />Io~ ia whole or In p~ ~ith t~e aid of Such fin~ci~ ss~stance, the following "Equal Op~[unlty Clause": Du~Ag the pe~/omance o[ this ~nt~act, the ~ntractor agr~s ss ~oll0ws: <br /> (s) T~e conhacto~ ~i~ ~t dlscdmlnate aglnst ay employee or applicant [o~ emplo~eat b~ause of ~ace, color, <br /> g~iglon, sex o~ nationM o~igln. The ~nU~ctor wUI t~e affima~ve aciion to ~su~e that applic~ts a~e emPloye~, <br /> and that employees ar~ tr~at~ during emplo~ent, ~t~ut ~egard to the~ ~ace, color, religion, sex or <br /> o~igin. Such acgon shall include, but not be limit~, to the following: emplo)wenL upg~adln~ demotion or tr~sfer; <br /> ~mitaent o~ ~ruitmenl adve~tislng; layoff or ter~nation; rates o[ pay or oihe~ fo~s o~ compensation; and <br /> self,on Io~ t~ainlng, includinI apprentlces~p. The contracto~ agrees to post. in conspicuous places, available <br /> to employes ~d applicants for employment, notices to be p~ovided by the Farmers HoR~ Administration setting <br /> ~oAh the p~ovisions o[ this nondiscri~nation ~ause. <br /> ~) T~e conhacto~ ~ll, in all solicitations o~ advertis~is Io~ employes plac~ by og on be~al~ o[ the contg~tor, <br /> state t~t all ~alified applicanls will ~eive consMe~alion ~or eaplo)~ent ~itbout regari iQ ~e, color, <br /> sex o~ national <br /> (c) T~e con~raclor ~i[l send IQ each lair union o~ representative of workers wit~ w~ich ~e has a colI~tlve <br /> ag~eemenl or ot~ ~ntr~t or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the Farmers Home Adainlst~ation. <br /> advising [he said labo~ union o~ ~ke~s' iep~esen/agve of the cont~ado~'s commltaenls unde~ this agreement <br /> requir~ pursuant to s~tion 202(3~ of Executive Or,er 11~46 of Sep~eabe~ 24. 19~, ~d shall ~st copies of <br /> aotic~ in conspicuous places available to employes and applic~ts fo~ employment. <br /> (d) The ~ntraclo~ ~ill compl~ with all pmvlslons of Ex~utive O~de~ 11246 of S~tembe~ 24, 19~, and of a~ <br /> regulations ~d ~elev~t o~ders of the S~Ma~ of ~r ~d o[ ~y p~o~ authoflty which ~em~n ia e~ecL <br /> (~) The ~nt~cto~ ~ll fu~nls~ all info~ation ~d ~e~s req~ed by Exe~ve ~der 11246 oI Sepiea~ 24, 1~5, <br /> ~Mes, regulatloas, ~d order~ o~ pu~t t~e~eto, and ~11 p~mit acce~ to ~s ~As, r~o~, and accosts by th~ <br /> Fam~rs Home Admiaistratlon, O[fice of E~al ~d~ity, U. S. Department of Agriculture, snd the ~eaeta~ of <br /> ~bo~ fo~ pu~ses of iaves~gstion to asced~n complla~e ~th suc~ ml~s, ~eiulstlons, snd ozders. <br /> (0 la the ewat of the ~nt~ac/or's ~oncomplis~e vi/h the E~ Op~iu~t~ (Federally Assi~ Constmalon) clause <br /> o~ ~ith ~y o~ the said roles, ~egulaHoas, o~ o~d~ t~s contract may be ~cell~, /emlaated, or susp~d~ <br /> whola o~ in pad and the contr~to~ may ~ d~l~e~ ineligible ~or [u~he~ ~vemment Contracts og FtgerMl~ <br /> ~nstmcHon coat~aas ia accordance ~tb p~ed~es aut~flz~d ia Ex~tive Order ~q. II246 oI Septemb~ 24~ 1~. <br /> ~d such othe~ sanciions may be iapos~ and ~em~s invoked as provid~ ia Executive Ord~ No. 11246 o[ <br /> i~tem~ 24, 19~, o~ by ~le, ~egulatlon o~ o~der o[ the S~a~y o[ Lair, o~ as pmvld~ b~ Law. <br /> (~ The ~at~sc/o~ ~11 iaclude the pmvigons of this E~M Oppodunity (F~r~ly Assisted Construction) clau~ <br /> eve~ ~oat~act o~ purchase o~de~, unless e~empied b~ the ~es, ~etulatlons, or ogde~s of the S~ets~y o[ <br /> is~ pugsu~t to ~tlon ~ of Ex~uiive ~ge~ No. 11246 of Septeabe~ 24, 19~, ~ i~st such provisions will <br /> ~ binSng u~a each ~ch sugar,actor o~ v~r. ~t ~nt~acto~ will tak~ s~h sction with ~t~[ to <br /> su~oa~a~ o~ pu~c~sse ogde~ ~ t~e Farmers Hom~ A~iaistration may direct ~s a mts~ of ~n[o~ing such <br /> pm~goas, including ~Dc/ioas fo~ no~mpllsnce: ~vid~. ~wever. that in the event tha ~nlractor <br /> lnvoh'~ in~ or is thgeat~n~ ~itb~ litlg~tlon ~th ~ ~at~acio~ og v~ as a ~esult ol ~ch fli~tlon by <br /> Farmers Home Ad~aislratl~. the ~u/mcto~ may ~e~e~ [h~ Unit~ States to ~n[~ into ~ch litigation topmt~t <br /> t~e {nt~e~ of the Uult~ Stmte~ <br /> <br /> ~o*~o. W FHA 4~1 ~ev. ~2~) <br /> <br /> <br />