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£. A~ust tt~ operating c0st~ and s~rviCe cha,r~es ftom'tlme to t~e to Foe adequate operation and ~tena~ce, <br />~gen~ rCp~ rescues, obsoJe~cn~ ~s, debt ~ce and debt se~ce rescues+ <br />F. Exp~d ~ts ~stem from ~ to ~e to meet reuonibly anticipated ~owth or se~ce requ~ements ~ thc ntea <br />~th~ its ju~di~on. <br />G. G~ntor ~th ~ch pe~c reports u it m~y requbc ~d pe~it pc~odic ~spccfion of iu opcratio~ by <br />~prc~en~tlve of ~e Gr~tor. <br />H, To execute ~o~ F~ 400-~, "Equ~ Opportuni~ A~ecmcnt," ~d to excite ~o~ Fm~ 400~,~'Nond~- <br />~tlon AFccment,' ~d to excite ~y other aFeemen~ rc~u~ed by Gr~t0r Which Grantee ~ ]cg~ly authored to <br />execute. I[ ~ny such ~o~ h~ been executed by Grintee ~ a result 0f a 10an ~e~ made to Grantee ~y Grantor contemp~ <br />~eously ~th ~e m~ng of th~ Fine, another ~o~ of the s~c type need not bc executed ~ connection ~th th~ Fane. <br />1. Upon ~y defnu]t under its repre~ntafio~ or ~eemcn~ set ~orth ~ the ~st~ment. Gt~tee, zt the 0pt~on and <br />domed of Gr)ntor, ~ ~ep~y to Gr~tot fort~t~ t~e o~al p~c~p~ amount 0f the F~t stated ~cre~na~ove, ~th the <br />~terest at the ~te of 5percent~ ~cr ~num from the date of the defa~t. Default by the Grantee w~l c0nst~tute <br />~ation of ~e Fane ~ere~y c~usmg cancellation of ~cder~ ~istance under the Fane. The pro~ons of this Grant <br />AFeement may be enforcc~ by Grantor, ~t iss option and ~thout tc~ard to p~or waivers by it o~ pre~ous dcfa~ts <br />Grantee, by judi~a] ptocecd~ to requbc spc~c perforate of thc terms of th~ Gr~nt AFccment or ~y such other <br />proceeders ~ ~w or e~ul~0 ~ elthcr ~edet~ 0r State court, ~ may be deemed neccxs~ by Grantor to ~tc comp~ancc <br />~ thc pro~o~ of ~ Gt~t A~cement ~d the laws and,ohs under Which the Fane ~ made. - ' <br /> <br /> J. Rctu~ ~mc~ately to Gr~tor, ~ rcqubcd by thc,ohs ofGt~tor, ~y F~t fun~ actu~y advanced ~d not <br />needed by Gt~tec for approved pu~oses. <br /> X. Usc the re~ property ~clu~g ]~, land ~prov~mcnts, stuccoes, ~d appurtenances thereto, for zutho~zed <br />pu~oscs o~ thc ~ant ~ long ~ needed. <br /> 1. Title to re~ ptopc~ th~ ve~t ~ the recipient aub~cct to thc condition that the Grantee thai ~e the <br /> property for thc author~cd purpose of thc ori~ ~ant ~ long a~ needed. <br /> 2. Thc Gr~tee th~ obt~ approv~ by the G~tor agency for the u~e of the re~ property in other pto~ect~ when <br /> the Grantee determ~e~ that the property ~ no longer needed for the ori~al ~ant purposes. U~e in ot~er ptoject~ shah <br /> be ]~ited to those under other Feder~ ~ant program~ or ptogr~s that have purposes conslsten~ ~th those authorized <br /> for support by the Grantor. <br /> 3. When t~e te~ property ~ no longer needed as p~orided ~ ] ~d 2 above, the Grantee sh~ request deposition <br /> ~stsuctions from the Gr=ntor ~gency or its succe~or Federal agency. The Grant.s agency sh~l obsetre the <br /> rules ~ the d~sposition ~st~ctions: <br /> (a) The Grantee may be permitted to zeta~ title after it compensates the Fcdez~ Government ~ an amount <br /> computed b)' apply~g the Federal percentage of participation in the cost of the ori~al project to the Gb market <br /> value of the property. <br /> (b) The Grantee may be abetted to sell the property under guidelines vro,~ded by the Grantor agency and <br /> pay the Feder~ Government an amount computed by apply~g t~e Federal ~rcentage of participation ~ the cost of <br /> the orlgln~ project to the proceeds from s~e (after deduct~g actu~ and reasonable selling and ~m-up expenses, <br /> any, from the s~es proceeds). When the Grantee ~ authorbed or requbed to sell the property, proper s~es <br /> procedures shal be estab~hed that provide for compet fion to the extent ?acticable ~d result ~ the highest <br /> possible tetu~. <br /> {c} The Grantee may be abetted to transfer ~t~e to the property to ~e Feder~ Gm'eminent provided that <br /> such c~es the Grantee s~ be entitled to compensation computedby appl)'~g the Grantee's ~rcentage of participa- <br /> tion ~n the cost of~e pto~ or project to the cunent f~ market v~ue of the property. <br /> <br />~ Gra, t Agreement cortt~ the follou,btg d~cdbed real property (use co~bmation sheets ~ nece~sa~'). <br /> <br /> AZ1 easements, ~ghts-of-~,ay, property obtained ~n fee s~mple t~tle or <br /> by lease ~n connection ~th th~s water system. <br /> <br /> L. Abide by the foUo~'ing conditions pertaining to nonexpendable personal property which is furnished b)' the Grantor <br />oz acqubed wholly or in part with grant funds. Nonexpendable personal property means tan~blc personal propcrt~ <br />~cful ~[e of mo~e than one )'e~ and an acqu~ition cosl of S300 or more per unit. A Grantee ma)' use i~s own dezmltion of <br />nonexpendable pc~son~ property p~o~ded that suc~ deFmitlon would at least include ~l tan~blc pctson~ property as <br />defined above. <br /> I. U~ of nonexpendable proper ty. <br /> fa} The Gr~tte ~ ~e the property ~ ~e pro~ect for w~ich it w~ ac~ubed ~ long as needed. W~en no <br /> longer needed for the o~ pto~ect, the Grantee s~] u~e the property ~ connection ~h its other Fedrrally <br /> sponsored activltits, if any, ~ the foHow~g order of p~o~ty:. <br /> <br /> <br />