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f <br /> <br /> 3. £[feCttvc control Over and accountabzhty for ~11 funds, property and other assets. Grantees shall adequately <br /> safeguard all such users and sh~] ajsurc that they are used solt]y for authorized purposes. <br /> 4. Accounting te~:ords cupp0rtcd by SOurce documentation. <br /> N. P. eta]n f'maac~a] records, supporting documents statistlca] records, and all other records pertinent to the grant for a <br />period of' at reut three years after grant closing except that the records shall bc retained beyond thc three-year period if <br />audit findingr have not been sesolved, h~icrof'dm copies may be substituted in lieu of original records. The Grantor and the <br />Comptroller Genera] of the tinlted States. Or any of their duly authorized reprcscntariv., shall have access to any books. <br />documents, papers, ~nd records of the Grantee*s government which ~re pertinent to the specific grant pro. am f'or thc <br />purpose of making audits, eXLminatlons, excerpts and transcripts. <br /> O. Provide information ~ requested by the Grantor to determine the need {or and complete any necessary Eh'cleon- <br />mental Impact Statements. <br /> P. Provide an audit report prcpered ;n sufficient detail to allow the Grantor to determine that funds have been u~ed <br />compliance with the proposal, any applicable laws and rc~u)atlons and this A~cement. <br /> Q. Agrel' ro ;account for and to ~eturn to Grantor interest earned on grant funds pending their disbursement for pro, am <br />purposes when the Grantee ~s a unit of. lOCal government. States and agencies or instrumentalities of states ~al] not beheld <br />accountable for interest earncd on grant funds pending thei~ disbursement. <br /> R. Not encumber, transfer or dispose of the property or any p~t thereof, furnished by the Grantor or acquired wholly <br />or in part with Grantor funds without the written consent of the Grantor except ~s prox~ded in item g above. <br /> S. To include in aH contracts for construction or repais · provision for compliance v,~th the Cope/dod "Anti-Kick <br />Back" Act (18 ti.S.C. 874) u supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). The Grantee shall report <br />all suspected or reported violations to the Grantor. <br /> T. In construction contracts in excess of S2,000 and in other contracts in excess of I2,500 which involve the employ- <br />meat of mechanics or hboress, to incindc a pro~'ision for compliance with Sections 103 and ]07 of the Contract Worl: Hours <br />and S~fetI' Standards Act (40 ti.S.C. 3')7-330} as supplemented bI' Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR. Part 5~. <br /> U. To include in all contracts in excess of $100,000 a provision that the contractor agrees to complI' with all the <br />requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 1875C-91 and Section 308 of thc ~?atcr Pollution Control <br />(33 D-g.C. §1318J relating to inspection, monitoring, entry, reports, and information, a~ ~vcll as all other requirements <br />specified in Section 114 o~ the Clean Air Act and Section 308 of the Water Pollution Control Act and al| regulatinas and <br />cuidciines issued thereunder zfter the award of thc contract. Such regulations and guidelines can he found in 40 CFR 15.4 <br />~r,~ 40 FR 17126 dated April 16, 1075. In so doing the Contractor further agrees: <br /> 1. As a condition for the award of contract, to notify dee Owner of thc receipt of any communication from the <br /> En¥ironmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicatin~ shat a facility' to be utilized in the Performance of the contract is <br /> under consideration to be llstcd on thc EPA list of Viniating Facilities. Prompt notification is recruited prior to contract <br /> award. <br /> 2. To certify that an). facility to be utilized in the performance of any nonexempt contractor subcontract is not <br /> listed on the EPA liss of Violating Facilities pursuant to 40 CFR 15.20 as of the date of contract award. <br /> 3. To include or cause to be included thc above criteria and the requirements in ever)- nonexempt subcontract and <br /> that the Contractor will ta~¢ such nctlon ~s the Government ma)' direct as a means of'enforcing such pro~qsions. <br />As used in these paragvaphs the term "facility" means an)' building, plan, installation, structure, mine, vessel or other floating <br /> <br />be utilized in the performance of a grant, agreement, contract, suhgTant, or subcontract. V,'her¢ a location or site of <br />operation contains or includes more than one building plant installation, or structure, the entire location sh~]l be deemed <br />to be a facility except ~vheK the Director. Office of Federal Activities, Environmental Protection Agency, dttttmint~ <br />~dependent facilisi~s arc c~]ocated in one gro~aphlca] <br /> GRANTOR AGREES THAT <br /> <br /> A. Will make available to Grantee for ~he purpose ofth~ Agrecmen~ not to exceed S ..~.~2~.,.~.,.~. ................... <br /> <br />which it wilt adYance to Grant. to meet not to c.ccd ....~2..~.~.~. Percent of thc dc.lopmcnt costs of thc <br />~ accordance with thc 3ctual needs of Granite as al.ermined b)' Gr~mor. <br /> B. will assist Grantee within avaUablc appropriations, with such technical ushtaacc as Grantor deens appropriate in <br /> <br />State os ~tc~ plans for thc ~tca in which thc project b locued. <br /> C. At its sole dlsctetlon and ~t Jn)' t~e may ~r~ ~ny consent, deferment, subordinulon, teltuc, s~l~f3c~ion, or <br />termination of any or all of Grantee's ~ht o~ligarions_ , with or without v~ua~le consld.ation, upon_ such and. <br />conditions ~s Gsanlot may dctermlnr to be (11 adsas~blt to further thc propose of the ~n[ or to protect GtJntot's <br />intetts~ therein and (2) consistent Mth both thc statutor) p p' ut oses of the ~ant ~nd thc ~it~tioas of the stuutory <br />authority und. which it is made. <br /> <br /> <br />