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NORTH CA~OL1NA DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES <br /> <br /> 1985 ANNUAL REPORT TO <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY BOAR~ OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />FOREST RESOURCES <br /> <br />Cabaa~u6 Countff has app~oxZmate~y 98,735 ac~e~ o~ commeac~a~ ~o~est <br />~and. The~e is one p~ima~ p~oeesso~ and one pu~p~uood ~a~d in <br />Cabaraus CounZ~. The Division o~ Foaest Resousces has the ~esponsi- <br />b~it~ ~oa paoteeting and developing th~s ua~uab~e aesouaee. <br /> <br />PERSONNEL AN~ E@UIP~ENT <br /> <br />Caba~us CounZF has tmo {uli-time en~pto~ees ~o~kin9 throughout the <br />count~. To assist ~th vaAious ~o~efi~ manage~nent p~ojects, Robest <br />Ca~ne~, ~stsict Sesu~ce Fo~este~, ~s auai~ab~e upon aeq,cst. Add- <br />~tione~ sta~ support can be obtained ~eon~ the ~istsiet O~iee ~n <br />~lount Uo~ a~ needed. <br /> <br />TRAINI~G <br /> <br />In-service tsa~nin~ through the P~v~sion o~ Forest Resources is <br />prouZded to employees to he~p ~he~ to perform thei4 job ,no~e <br />ien~gF. The ~o£~o~n~ t~ainin~ toss con~pgeted this Fea~: Sadie <br />Operations, SasZc [a~o Enforcement, Inst~ueto~ T~ain~n9 School, <br />Behavior, Chain te~ Operation, Teehnica~ ~itds~, Ran~e~ <br />and a Reu~etv o~ County P~an Opera~ion. <br /> <br />FIRE CONTROl AN~ PREFENTION <br /> <br />~u~inB thi~ ~i~ea~ Fea~, the coantF has had 94 statistica£ <br />caused main~ b~ deb~ bushing. T~mbe~ and p~ope~t~ ~ost to <br />~as kept to a minimum due to the eoopeaation a~d e~ec~ve ~espon~e <br />o{ the ~o~untee~ ~i~e departments in the <br /> <br />Caba~us CountF ha~ 19 bushing peam~t agent6 ~ocated ~h~ot~hout the <br />eount~. These agents issue burning pe~n~ts ~aee o~ cha.~e to eountF <br />4esident~ and a~e e~p~oFed to do so b~ the ~vi~ion o{ Fo~es~ <br />sources. A Zota~ o~ 770 bu~n~ng pe~s,~ts ~eae ~s~ued du~ng the <br />~ea~. A~tic£es ~es~ p~aeed ~n the ~oea~ netospapess n~ne t~,~es that <br />dealt ~th ~iae prevention a~d bushing ba~xs. <br /> <br />Location o~ burn~ng peamit age~t4 and geneaa~ in~oamat~on o, burning <br />pe~mit~ wa6 published thaee t~me~ Ibis ~eaa. Smoke~ Beak made <br />visits to ~ou~th-gaade c~asses and co~oaing sheets on ~e <br />Zion ~e,e dis~libu~ed ~o ai£ {ias~, second, and <br />~n Cabaaaus Count~. <br /> <br /> <br />