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(b) Lessee shall keep the Demised'Pmemises clean <br /> <br /> and' in a good state of mepaim fmom the date of execution <br /> hemeof thmough Septembem 30, 1986, and shall be pePmitted <br /> entry themeon fop such pumpose duming all of said p~miod. <br /> <br /> 3. use of Demised PPemises. The Demised l~emises a~e leased <br />exclusively for use as an agPicultumal fail and associated amusement <br />activities. Lessee s~all comply with existing zoning, health, and othem <br />.police megulations and shall neithem conduct nom pemmit to be conducted <br />any nuisance upon the Demised P~emises. <br /> <br /> ~. Indemnification and Insumance. Lessee agrees to indemnify <br /> <br />and save hamm/ess Lessop of and f~om any and all claims om liability to <br />persons or pmopemty caused om mesulting in any mannem by reason of Lessee's <br />occupation om use of the Demised P~emlses. Lessee fumther consents and <br />agmees to maintain liability insumance rom injury om damage to an), pemson <br />while on the Demised P~emises duming the temm of at least $1,000,000.00 <br />rom injury of damage to one pemson and $1,000o000.00 rom injury om damage <br />to two om more pemaons. <br /> <br /> 5. Termination. Upon temmination of this Lease, Lessee consents <br /> <br />and agmees to ~etumn Demised P~emises to Lessor in as good condition as the <br />same now is, o~dinaPy weam and tear excepted. <br /> <br /> 6. Default. In the evenl of bmeach of default by Lessee in pemfommance <br />of any covenant or condition hemein contained, such default or bleach having <br />continued for ten (10) days aftem ~itten notice to Lessee by Lessor, then~ <br />in such event, at the optiou of Lessom, Lessor shall have the right to <br />me-entem the Demised Pmemises om any pamt thereof and themeupon this Lease <br />shall terminate. <br /> <br /> <br />