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OEPARTI~#TIXc IRRq~R£SOURC£S <br /> O]¥Z$]OHO~ YOUTXSER¥]C~S <br /> Budgeted [xpe~tures ~Y 19 f ~nth~ <br /> <br />03 5~larles & ~ages/Part TI~ & Te~oriry * ]~0. <br /> 1tern ~t <br />04 PrOfess~o~&l Servlcel shouldreflect~r <br />05 FICA Tax Expense tot~l ~tlclpated <br /> expenditures for the <br />06 Grou~ insurance Expense n~ar of ~nths <br />07 Retlre~nt Expense covered b~ ~ur <br /> pragrmlg~e~nt. <br />O9 Other Fringe BanefSts <br />10 Employee Tr~ln~ng <br />11 T~lephone & Postlge · ~ 400 <br />13 Utilities 500 <br />14 Travel <br /> , <br />15-17 Halnte~ance A Repair - speclf~ Please tndScate <br />(bldg. ~ grounds, equt~nt, vehicles) An asterisk t~se <br /> ~unts that represent <br />21 Rent - BulldSng8 *3~fl~ ln-k~nd contr~butl~s <br />22 Rent - Equi~nt ~000 rather than cash. <br />26 Advertising Ezpense Attach an explinAtJon <br /> of h~t~ cish Yilue <br />31 Aut~t~ve SuppHe~ for ~ur In-kind Hne <br />32 Office SuppHes * ~5~ lt~vas c~uted. <br />33 Nousekeep~n9 Suppltes <br />34 Other Supplies A Naterlill ~ 350 + ~8~. <br />45 Contrac~d 5ervSce~ <br />~6 Drugs <br />~47 Food & Provisions <br />Sa insurance & Bonds <br />57 ~scellaneous ~xpenses * 400 <br />5B Trans~rtatlon of Clients 1100:1 <br />71-74 CapStal Outla~ - b~cSf~ <br />(land, bu~ldSn~s) <br />Other <br /> <br />~+ ~his figure Should be the ~&~ ~ the Total )v~get ~lgure or. the <br />page of ~he progr~ m)re~nt. <br />' For ea:h ~loree ll~t the follow(rig ln(e~atlon: ~ title, a~um1 <br /> <br /> -27- <br /> <br /> <br />