<br /> Registration o£ Voters.
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<br />§ 163-66. Custody of registration records and pollbooks;
<br /> access; obtnh~,~g copies.
<br /> In all counties the registration records, beoks~ registration certificates,
<br />indexest computer lists, discs, ]abels and topes and other records of registra-
<br />tion and voting shall be and remain in the possession of the county board of
<br />elections. The county board of election~ shall keep all such records in a safe
<br />and secure place where they may not be tampered with, stolen or destroyed. If
<br />possible, the beard shall keep them in a fireproof vault or file~ The board may
<br />exercise supervision and control of these records thruugh ils properly desig-
<br />natod officers and employees. It shall be the duty of the county board of
<br />elections, on application of any candidate, or the coUnty chairman of any
<br />political party, or any other person, to furnish a list of the persons registered
<br />to voto in the county or in any precinct or precincts therein. No registrar shall
<br />furnish lists of registered voters orpermit the registration records of his
<br />precinct to be copied. The county board of elections shall furnish such lists and
<br />upon request, it may furn/sh selective lists according to party affifiation, sex,
<br />race, date of registration, or any other reasonable category. In all instances,
<br />however,the county beard of elections shall require persons to whom any list
<br />is furnished to make full reimbursement for the expense incurred in Prepar-
<br />lng it. Notwithstonding the above, however, the chairman of each political
<br />party in the county, as defined in G.S. 163-96, shall be entitled ,biennially,
<br />upon written request, to one free list of all registered voters in his county
<br />showing the name, address, sex, political affifiatwn and precinct of each regis-
<br />tered vote~, provided, that in counties having voter records ~naintained on
<br />electrordc dataprocossing equipment, such lists shall not be furnished bienni-
<br />ally but insteadon the following schedule: once in each odd-numbered year,
<br />once during the first six calendar montbe of each even-numbered year, and
<br />once during the last sbt months of each even-numbered year. In addition to
<br />the typed, mimeographed, xeroxed or computer print-out lists required here-
<br />inabove, each county that provides voters' lists from computers shall, upon
<br />written request from the State chairman of each political party, provide once
<br />in each odd-numbered year, once duringthe first six calendar months of each
<br />even-numbered year, and once during the last six months of each even-num-
<br />bered year a computer disc or tope containing the name, address, sex, race,
<br />a~e, political affiliation and prectn' ct of each registered voter and it shall be
<br />the responsibility of each State chairman rece~ving such discs or tapes to
<br />provide them to candidates for election who are candidates of their respective
<br />political parties and who request the discs or tapes in writing. The free list to
<br />be furnished to the county chairman of each pelitical party shall group the
<br />registered voters by precinct and shall be furnished az soon as practtcabl-e but
<br />no later than 30 days after said request. The discs or tapes to be furnished to
<br />the State chairman shall be furnished as soon as practicable but no later than
<br />30 days after the request, and the State chairman is required to return the
<br />topes or discs to the county beard of elections within 30 days afar receiving
<br />them. (1901, c. 89, s. 83; Rev., s. 4382; C.S., s. 6016; 1931, c. 80; 1939, c. 263, a.
<br />3V~; 1949, c. 916, ss. 6, 7; 1953, c. 843; 1955, c. 800; 1959,c. 883; 1963, c. 303, s.
<br />1; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1973, c. 793, s. 22: 1975, c. 12; 1979, 2nd Sese., c. 1242;
<br />1981, c. 656; 1983, c. 218, es. 1, 2; 1985, c. 472, s. 1.)
<br /> Effect of Ameadmenb.-- era] election' in the ~enth ~entence n~l added
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