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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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I <br /> <br /> EXCERPTS FROM <br /> CHAPTER '468 <br /> SENATE BILL 293 <br /> AN ACT TO AMEND TIlE LAWS GOVERNING THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' BENEFIT <br /> AND RETIREMENT FUND SO AS TO RECEIVE A FAVORABLE DETERMINATION AS A <br /> QUALIFIED TRUST BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE AND TO THEN CAUSE A TAX <br /> SItELTERING FROM CURRENT INCOME OF MEMBERS' CONTRIBUTIONS. <br /> The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: ~ . . <br /> See. 10. G.S. 143-166 is amended by the additinn of a new subsection immediately after subs~tion fi) <br /> designated as "{ilY' to read: <br /> "(il) Pick Up ~f Officer Contrihutions. Anything within this section to the contrary notwithstanding <br /> and pursuant tn the provisions of Section 414(h}(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended: <br /> (1~ the State shall pick np and pay the contributions whie}~ would be payahle by State- <br /> employed officers as members under suhsection (il of this section with respect to the ser- <br /> vice of officers after the effective date of this subseetioo: and <br /> il countv, city. loxx.n or othe~ pulitical suhdivisiou of the State thereinafter referred to aq <br /> <br /> their officers after the effective date of this subsectioo and after the effecUve date ol such <br /> a~reementx: Prnvided. this prnvisim~ to pick up and pay the officers' contrihntions by <br /> other employers shall apply only tu such o0wr employers who are participaling employers <br /> in the Local Governmental Empk~yees' Retirement System or who administer some other <br /> employers' trust qualified ender Sections 401fa), 403(a) or 405ia~ of the Internal Revenue <br /> Code of 1954 a5 amended, and then only if such other employers have elected to pick up <br /> and pay employee contributions for all their other employees to the olher qualified <br /> <br /> The officers' contributions picked np by the State or other employer shall be designated for all pur- <br />poses of the Retirement System as member contributions, except ~or tl~e determination of tax open ~ <br />distribi~tion from the S3~stem. These contributioes shall be credited to the Regular Contribntions Aecounl <br />and accumulated within the account in a member's acconnt which shall he separately established for the <br /> <br /> Members' contributions picked up by the Stale or other empluyer shall be payable from the same <br />source of funds used for the payment of compensation of a member. A deduction shall be made from a <br />member's compensation equal to lbo amount of his contributions picked up by the State or other employer. <br />This deduction, however, shall not reduce his compensation. Picked-up contributions shall be transmitted <br />to the System monthly for the preceding month by means of a warrant drawn by the State or ol~er <br />employer and payable to the Law Enforcement Officers' Retirement System and shall be accompaoied by a <br />schedule of the picked-up contributions on such forms as may be preserihed.' <br /> See. 11. SeeUons 1 through 9 of this act are effective epon ratification and Section 10 shall b~ome ef- <br />fective on the firs~ day of any calendar nmnth within 60 days after thc filing with ~he Seerel ary of State of <br /> <br />States Department of Treaxnry. thai the Law Enfureemenl Officers' Retiremenl System is an emplny~s' <br />trusl qualified under Section 4011al of the loternal Revemw Cude of 1954 as amended, but unly if snob <br />dctermiuation letter or ruline i5 filed by jnne 30, 1985. <br /> In the (;eueral Assembly read three times and ratified, this the Nth day of Jtme. 1983. <br /> <br /> <br />
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