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Cash or Deferred arrangements ~0~ K <br /> <br /> The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board, do hereby <br /> consent to the adoption of the following resolution: <br /> <br /> RESOLVED, that the State establish profit 8hating plan and trust for the <br /> benefit of Its emulovees, effective g~,) I Iq{U, tO be known a~ the <br /> ~'0 I I~__ P}ofit Sharing Plan and Trust (the'Plan nnd Trust), and that <br /> the provtsl6ns of the Plan and Trust shall read, and they hereby are adopted <br /> to ~ead. as set forth In the form examined by each of the undersigned; <br /> <br /> FURTHER RESOL/ED, that the Boar r ed and directed to execute, <br /> tn t,he name and on behalf of the .S~a~-~, the Plan and Trust lo the <br /> examined by each of the undersigned; <br /> <br /> FURTHER RESOLVED, that for purposes of the limitation on contributions <br /> and benefits imposed by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, the limita- <br /> tion year, as tha~ rem Is defined in Internal Revenue Code Regulauion <br /> Section 1.45-2, shall.~ the fiscal year endieg ~ --~O --~-- for the Plan <br /> and Trust; <br /> <br /> FEATHER RESOLVED, that the adminis[rative Committee provided for tn the <br /> Plan and Trusc shall consist of members, and that <br /> and ara appointed members of <br /> said a~minisnra'uive Co~ltcee; <br /> FURTHER'RESOLVe, tha[~t ~, ~ <br /> be and they hereby ~re a~poln[ed the Tru~'~h~ ro administer <br /> the trust esrabl~shed by the Plan and Truer; <br /> <br /> FHR~R ~SOLVEB~ tharall contributions to the Plan and Trust, are <br /> conditioned on: (a) the q~li~carion o~. the Plan and Trust under Section <br /> of the [nrerna~ Revenue Code. In the event that the Plan and Trust shall <br /> fa~l to q~l~y under Section ~01 of the Internal R~venue Code, the <br /> sha[i ~ve the right ro roques~ the return of the contribution or any <br /> thereo~, rrm the recipient Trust; and <br /> <br /> FUROR ~SOLVED, rhar the Board ts aurhor~xed and directed ro execute <br />and deliver ail such conrrac[s~ sa[ar7 reduction agreements afld other agree- <br />merits, cer[~f[cares, doc~eBt~ aBd other ~nsrruee~ons~ aBd to do such other <br />acts or rhfngs, as may ~e necessary or adv~ab[e~ eo g~ve effec~ to the for~ <br />going resolutions and the ~rters provfded for rhereln~ ~nclud~ng <br />limitation, the 8u~lssfon of the Plan and Trust ro the Internal Revenue <br />Se~fce ~rh a request for a derem~na~on letter to the effect that the Plan <br />and Truer aye q~llfled and tax exempt, respectively, ~or federal tax <br />purposes; and the offtcer~ are further specifically authorized prior to or <br />connection with such request for detemina[ton letter to make ~uch modifica- <br />tions In the Plan and Trust as they, in their sole jud~ent, may deem <br />necessary and advisable to obtain such detemlnatlo~ letter and to meet all <br />applicable requtrement~ of the Internal Revenue C~e. <br /> <br />Dated: <br /> <br /> <br />