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6. The Issuer shall eot be obligated to pay any of the Bonds or the <br />interest thereon from any funds of the Issuer derived from any source other <br />than the Lease or the Indenture and each Bond shall contain a statement to <br />that effect upon its face. Hie Issuer shall not be required to ~ncur any <br />expense with respect to the Project or the Bonds unless requested to do so <br />by the Company~ in which event tile Company hereby agrees to reimburse the <br />full amount of such expense to the Issuer; and the Issuer may require <br />payment to it of such amount as a prerequisite to [ts incurring any such <br />expense. The Company in accepting this proposal will thereby agree to <br />indemnify and defend the Issuer and hold the Issuer harmless against any <br />and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages to property or any inj~ry or <br />death of any person or persons occurring in connection with the construction, <br />equipping and operation of the Project by or on behalf of the Company, or <br />[n any way growing out of or resulting from its proposal (upon its becoming <br />an agreement if accepted) inch~ding, without limitation, all costs and <br />expenses of the Issuer, including reasonable attorney's fees incurred in <br />the enforcement of any agreement of the Company herein contained and, in <br />the event the Bonds ara no~ delivered, this indemnity shall survive the <br />termination-of the agreement resulting from the Company's acceptance of <br />t~is proposal. <br /> <br /> If this proposal is satisfactory to the Company, please have the <br />acceptance statement which follows this proposal'executed by an officer of <br />the Company and provide an executed copy to the Issuer, whereupon this <br />proposal will constitute an agreement with respec~ to the matters herein <br />contained. <br /> <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY HEALTH <br /> DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. <br /> <br /> By: <br /> <br />(S~AL) <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br />